Chapter Nine-Secret

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With Peter in mind, I release his hand and walk over to Kathy and Tony. "Hey. Have you gotten coffee yet?" Tony's eyebrows pop up at my sudden openness and Kathy seems similarly taken by surprise.

"No, I haven't." She answers carefully, eyes just a tad wary.

"Me either. Want to take a cup and talk?" I suggest and step a foot in that direction. It takes her a moment to nod. We head over and make our coffees, then slowly walk down the hallway for privacy.

"So, something change your mind about me? You seem...much more tolerant today." She says bluntly and I stop. She stops as well and faces me.

"I want to know why you're here. No bullshit. And if you lie, I will know. Just like I knew you were lying yesterday about just wanting to get to know me." I give her a minute to absorb this, sipping my coffee leisurely. Shockingly, her lips turn up.

"I was told you were sharp, but I'm still surprised." A pleased air wafts off her and throws me off further. Calling people out doesn't usually have this effect. "I was sent from a classified branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. to see if you wanted to join. It's a little like the Avengers, but covert. Not part of the news cycle. Heard you've had trouble there." I grimace a little a that, but it doesn't stop her from continuing. "It's headed by a former friend of the Captain and the team. Phil Coulson." I blink. I've heard about him, but...he's supposed to be dead. Kathy seems to read this on my face. "He's alive and well, I assure you. It's a testament to him and his team that this information has been kept under wraps, so it'd be best if it remained that way."

"I'm not promising anything. Especially since this group thought sending my long, lost aunt would convince me to join instead of just giving me a logical argument." I snap, irritated at the under-handed way that this is being done. Kathy shakes her head.

"I volunteered. I honestly wanted to meet you, Josephine." Earnest eyes look into mine and I take a moment to sip my coffee out of indecisiveness. "If you'll just give me the benefit of the doubt, I'll take you to meet Agent Coulson. He can explain what this would entail." I spin the rings on my fingers. This is not what I expected. "Of course, you have time to think about it." She continues.

"And I can't tell them about this," I state the question and swirl a hand in the air to indicate the facility. Her lips pull down at the edges.

"It would be best if none knew." She tells me and dislike rises in me so much I can taste it. "Perhaps one." Kathy allows and my eyebrows raise. I nod once.

"I want to meet him, but he's going to come here. No arguments." I make my stance clear. I'm not going anywhere with this stranger to meet another stranger. Kathy purses her lips.

"I'll make the call. No promises." I nod. "Alright. I'll go make the call. If he accepts, I'll come back with him." She doesn't say a thing about what'll happen if he doesn't accept.

"Fine." I agree and we hover in awkwardness a moment before she hands me her cup and just leaves. Sighing, I head back to the gathering room. Everyone but Steve and Bucky are gone, most likely to get on with their day. I avoid their eyes and set her cup in the sink while I pour myself another.

"Saw her nearly jog outta here. What you say to her, kiddo?" Bucky asks from the couch and I head over, settling between him and Steve with a sigh.

"Back to work again. Might come back another day." I tell the truth, but my mind is roiling with all the information just given to me. Should I think about it? I've just decided to permanently be an Avenger. I've just gained back the team's trust from my trip. I've just gotten Peter back. Is this really something I want to be considering? Does it make me a shitty person for considering to consider it?"

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