Chapter Seven-Auntie

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"I don't understand what you're saying. This isn't possible." I say for probably about the fifth time. We're all packed back into the jet on the way back to the facility where, apparently, someone is waiting for me. I'm flying just to keep myself busy and to keep my energy levels low. If my brain and body are occupied, I'm good. Tony sighs and taps Steve's shoulder since he's in the seat beside me, taking over so he doesn't have to keep explaining this to me. "I don't have any blood relatives left alive. Believe me, I've checked. Natasha has checked." I insist and I see the redhead shrug in peripheral vision.

"It's not impossible to evade the system." She gives the person the benefit of the doubt, but I can read the caution coming off her. My hands tighten on the handles with frustration.

"And maybe this is a good thing, Jo." Peter encourages beside me. Always one to look on the bright side of things.

"Peter, I know you love your aunt, but this is a little bit of a different situation." My eyes glance to Bucky and Steve who have remained noticeably silent. "I don't want to see her. I mean, even if she is who she says, where the fuck has she been?" A little venom sneaks into my voice and that's when Steve steps in.

"Lost family members don't appear every day, Jo. I think...maybe you should at least meet her. We'll vet her as best we can, but to dismiss her would be a mistake." I flick on the autopilot and turn to face him. I stare into his blue eyes and I know that this is difficult for him. We're on solid ground, him and I, as well as the rest of the team. This puts everything off kilter and being unsure is something I'm not a fan of.

"I already have a family," I tell him softly and that brings a smile to his face. "I don't need or want anyone else."

"You're not cheating on us by meeting her, kid." Bucky jokes and I sigh. Thoughts fly through my head at the family I've had and my lips purse.

"I'll think on it." I allow and the group seems to be alright with this answer. They disperse around the jet and I choose to turn to the clouds outside. Everyone needs time to think, including me.

"Some of us would give a lot to find a long-lost family member, Josie," Tony mentions quietly and I glare over at him before returning to the sky.

"You remember what the rest of my family was like, Tony? Loving parents that were actually experimenting on me, an uncle that wanted to fuck me, family friends that kidnapped me, so please forgive me if I'm not jumping at the chance to meet another. Watch her pull a gun and just immediately try to murder me." I chuckle. "At least then she'd be upfront about it." It's quiet for a turn.

"There's always a chance this'll be different." I flick on the autopilot and turn towards him with a huff.

"You of all people know the numbers on that are extremely low." I turn autopilot off and turn back to the windows. "I need time," I tell him and hear his sigh, then silence.

* * * * *

I fly all the way back to the facility. My mind is consumed by turmoil and while both Steve and Tony offer to take over, it's best that at least my hands are occupied by flying. When we finally arrive at the facility, I'm tired and my stomach's in knots. "Jo?" Peter calls and I suddenly realize everyone else has already walked off the jet. His brown eyes meet mine and he offers me my bag.

"Thanks, Peter," I tell him and accept it, looking back up at his face when his hand takes mine.

"I'm here for you." He says sincerely and my lips lift at the sentiment. We walk out hand in hand and mine tightens on his when I see a woman that has a striking resemblance to my mother. Mercy stays by my side, seemingly uncertain of the woman as well. The team slowly greets her before I'm close enough to hear what they're saying.

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