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Okay guys, we’re nearing the end of the story and this chapter marks the return of the present, a lot has happened since chapter 16 so get reading now!


“You’re pregnant,” The doctor announced as he handed me the test results. What? I couldn't be. Me and Louis were always so careful and never ever dreamed of having kids at this age - infact we never thought about it. I tried to think about how I'd tell Louis, he was in America with the boys for Zayn's stag do so I couldn't tell him right now, and it wouldn't be fair.

“Are you okay?” The doctor asked as I wiped my tears. No I wasn't, I was pregnant with one of the members of One Direction - the biggest boy band ever so no I wasn't okay.

“It's a lot to take in.” I mumbled anxiously as the doctor turned around to face his computer. I wanted to go home, shut the world off and forget everything. But I couldn't.

I walked out of the room and saw mum, smiling as a happy bee. I couldn't tell her.

“Ready to go?” Mum asked, clutching her car keys in her hand. I sighed and followed her to her car. It was a black Jeep with tinted windows and I stepped in, watching my steps.

I had to be careful now, with drinking, partying, going out and school. Mum noticed me sulking so she asked me the question I dreaded.

“What did the doctor say?” She asked, putting the car in drive. I couldn't tell her so I made up a lie and bit my teeth.

“I have bad migraines, nothing too major.” I lied and decided to sleep all the way through the journey, it was for the best.

As I woke up from my lovely twenty minute sleep, Mum already parked up the car and shook me slightly to motion me to get out of the car.

“We're here.” She smiled and helped me up, she's gonna be helping me a lot I thought as I walked out of the car and slammed the door. Mum rang the doorbell and when the door opened - it was him.

“Katy!” Louis cried as he pulled me into a hug. He kissed me passionately - stopping me from entering the house. I smiled as he picked me up and held me and lay me down on the sofa. Louis was meant to be in America, how did he come over here that quickly?

How was I gonna cope?


“Louis…” I began, my voice trembling.

“I’m…” I tried so hard to say it. “I’m pregnant!” I burst into tears and put my head in his lap, trying not to cry too much. I could feel him stroking my hair lightly.

“How many months?” He choked back.


I sat back up, wiping my tears.

“Are you going to… keep it?”

That was the problem, I couldn’t decide no matter what happened. I was only just eighteen years old and I still attended school like any other teenagers yet I had to bring up a child.

As much as it pained me to say, I said the right thing.

“We should give it up for adoption. To people who deserve a baby.” Louis nodded and although he was emotionally sad, he agreed.

“To people we know,” He said and I nodded. Even if it wouldn’t be my child properly, I was still its mother and even I wanted to visit it when it was older.

“Have you told your mum?”

I shook my head and leant on his shoulder. The tears on my cheek kept on falling.

“You two alright in there?” Mum shouted.

“Yeah!” We both said in unison and I quickly wiped my tears.

I could hear footsteps enter the room and I quickly shot up.

“Oh hunnie,” My mother walked up to me. “Your eyes are red.”

“I have a cold,” I lied and Louis shot me a ‘tell her’ look.

“Rest then!”

I walked out of the room and into my bedroom and mum followed me.

“Louis’s a nice boy. I can’t believe you only told me last week about your relationship,”

“Yeah well-“

“And he’s so handsome I mean-“



“I’m pregnant.”

Her face said it all, shocked and disappointed. Her only daughter was expecting a child and she was mad at me.

“If you hate me…”

“I don’t.”

“But me and Lou decided to put it up for adoption.”

“I mean I’m too young.” I smiled and held her hand. “And it’s hard work.”

Mum nodded and stroked my hand.

“I’ll support you.”

My heart warmed up and started to beat faster. I hugged her tight and felt the energy run through my body.

“Does this mean you were crying earlier?” I nodded and laughed.

“You sure know me well.”

I followed her into the living room where Louis was sitting.

He patted the seat next to him and I grabbed a drink from the counter.

“So babe, did you tell her?” I nodded.

“Did she say she’ll support you and that?”

“Yeah and we can give it up for adoption when the baby has arrived.”

Louis started to slowly laugh.

“The thing is…” I motioned for him to continue. “I gave it up for adoption just now.”

“They accept babies before they are born.”

“What if I changed my mind?”

I could feel Louis breathe hard and he came up to me, hugging me.

“Relax, I didn’t. I know that you might change your mind.”

“And besides, we haven’t made a proper decision.”

I could feel his lips on mine as he pulled me into a soft warm kiss, syncing with each other’s lips.

“No Personal Display Affection in the house!” I chuckled as my brother entered the room, covering his eyes.

“Get lost Joe!” I chucked a pillow at his face and he winced, rubbing his face sarcastically.

“I love you Katy.”

“I love you too Louis.”

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