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 Here is chapter fifteen, I hope you enjoy it and I mentioned in chapter two that yes this story is mainly a prologue and the prologue was likely to end at chapter fifteen but this is chapter fifteen and carrying on from the last chapter’s events so no way is the prologue ending right now. I won’t reveal when the prologue ends because that spoils everything. One thing I’d like to add is that there is only ten/twelve chapters left till this story ends but don’t worry, there is a sequel coming and I promise you that this chapter will be good.


Trying not to choke back on my tears, I walked inside the hospital with Jade tugging on my arm for moral support. I didn’t want to face Louis when he was seriously unwell right now, I just didn’t. All those times when we were happy could come to an end right now so I seriously hoped that he would make it because I loved him.

“Are you okay?” Jade whispered as we made our way to the receptionists. I nodded and waved my tears as Jade cleared her throat.

“Where may Louis Tomlinson be?” She asked, looking at the receptionist who was filing her nails.

“Critical Ward, take the stairs!” She yelled as me and Jade made a dash for it.  

It didn’t take more than five minutes to arrive at the ward and instantly I saw Harry and the boys waiting for Louis.

“Katy!” Harry cried, embracing me. I sighed, trying not to cry when I stood outside Louis’s cubicle. Because this was a critical ward, everyone had cubicles to decrease the amount of infection and because people were in critical states.

“Katy,” Harry pointed to someone being wheeled on a bed. Then I realised it was him. I tried not to be emotional and cry but I had to because whoever did this was such a horrible person. I looked at Louis who was sleeping and then realised that his life would never be the same again.

“He’ll be alright,” Zayn spoke from behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I wanted to believe that he was right and that Louis was going to be okay but was he really?

I walked into the cubicle and sat down onto one of the chairs beside the patient bed where Louis started to regain his conscience.

“Hi,” I muttered slowly, holding his hand. He broke out a smile and I smiled too, looking at his facial expression. I kissed him lightly before I felt the ground pull me down.


“Katy?” I heard someone panic as I groggily woke up. I had no idea what had just happened. I was with Louis a second ago and now I am waking up from a deep sleep, how did this happen?

I rubbed my eyes and realised I was on a hospital bed.

“What happened?” I asked, checking me out from head to toe. Harry shook his head.

“You fainted,” and I mouthed an o. Why did I faint? I was fine and then this happened. I sat myself up and a doctor entered the room.

“Katy Lister?” he asked, holding a sheet. I nodded and he stood up beside me.

“You have anaemia, a blood disorder and your haemoglobin levels are seriously low so you need a blood transfusion.”  He handed me a sheet to sign so I signed it and waited for the nurse to inject a canulla in my arm. I lay myself down but then the door knocked…

Part 1 of Chapter 15


I’m separating this chapter because, it’s dinner time and it fits better then. More of a cliff hanger. Who knocked on the door? Is Katy well? Find out in the next part.

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