Part 36

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Third Person POV

Samy was boiling with anger at Sid.

Samy was happy that everyone was safe and the bad guys were behind bars, but she couldn't digest the fact that Sid didn't trust her enough to tell her about the plan. He told Payal, her friend, but kept it from her.

She was worried about him and feared for his life, more than hers. He used her as guinea pig, a bait, to lure Munna and punish him. He is hero now.

She went through the most harrowing time of her life , wishing she was dead. If only she knew the plan, she would have had different feelings.

"Why did he do that? Why does not he trust me enough?" The thougjts kept on boiling inside her, making her angrier and angrier.

"I will fucking kill you Sid" Samy screamed again, trying to push Payal and reach Sid.

"Sid leave now" Payal shouted at Sid, holding the knife wielding angry Samy, by her shoulders.

Sid realized it was not the right time to approach Samy. "Sorry Samy .. I am really sorry." He shouted and bolted out of the house.

Payal comforted Samy, removing the knife from her hands and led her to the sofa.

"Samy let me explain you the entire story. I agree with you that Sid should have told you beforehand, but remember, he was just being over protective and didn't want to bother you with worrying." Payal explained sitting by her side.

"Ok" Samy nodded her head.

Payal explained the story ..

"You remember the attack by goons at Railway station in Mysore, while returning from the wedding function."

"Yes" - Samy replied.

What you didn't know was that - they were Munna's gang. Sid realized it and led them away from you. He managed to beat them one by one, by splitting the team.

Vali, who was their team lead, was the only one left. He begged Sid to spare his life and also managed to convince Sid that he was a good guy caught up in bad circumstances. He showed pictures of his little sisters to convince Sid, that he was a good guy and he tried to convince Munna to not go behind Samy.

Sid was running out of time to catch the train, so he asked Vali to prove to him later his innocence and meanwhile take the other two injured associates to hospital for recovery. He gave Vali his phone number and asked him to contact him after getting back to the city.

Sid was worried about the whole situation and called me from the train. He asked for my help, but made me promise not to tell you as he didn't want you to worry.

He knew a private security firm and arranged round the clock surveillance for you, in case you were attacked again.

He wanted to solve this problem once and for all, as he didn't want you to spend the rest of your life looking behind your back for these attacks.

When Vali contacted him again and explained his situation, Sid promised him a good decent job and security for his family from Munna, if he helped him in putting Munna behind bars forever.

Sid invited me to a meeting with Vali and he provided the complete picture of the inner workings of Munna gang.

We just had to catch him committing a crime. So Vali convinced Munna of kidnapping you on your return from airport. I provided the police car with recording capabilities to kidnap you and all of it was captured on camera.

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