Part 16

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A/N: As promised posting very early update. I will try to post as many updates as possible and finish the story in the next three months. Please vote and comment to keep me motivated to move forward. Thank you for your support. Cheers!

Samy's POV

The nights were restless, with me zoning in and out of sleep and dreams constantly.

Next day was the actual wedding function. I couldn't sleep properly and was waging a war with the pillows to find that comfortable spot. At that moment, I felt someone's hand on my back.

"I am dreaming about Sid again." I thought drifting in and out of dreams. His hand was crawling up my shoulder very slowly.

"Sid, you lazy idiot, little bit harder. I can hardly feel you." I cursed Sid, as his hand reached the top of my shoulder and slowly started sliding down towards my chest. And then it stopped again.

"Shit, you are so slow today. I know your destination Sid. Just move the fuck and get on with it. Finish it soon .. I need to sleep Sid." I was pissed at his laziness, and eagerly waiting for him to do his magic.

After a lifetime, he finally made it to his destination, but as his hand touched my breast, I didn't feel the usual rush of blood or the thrill of my racing heartbeat.

"Fuck you Sid, you are losing your touch!", I screamed at him inside my mind and opened my eyes catching bis hand.

As I turned around, I realized I was holding a real hand. It was Samira.

I had no idea when she got into my bed and put her hand on me. As many guests showed up for the wedding, she probably gave up her room and moved in with me. I looked at her tired face, sleeping peacefully and moved in closer, putting her hand around my waist.

It was probably a bad idea, because after a while she put her leg over me and murmured something in some alien language. She probably was dreaming about someone. I tried to stay awake to see if she would say his name, but it didn't happen.

The news of Sid's resignation hit me very hard. Even though I convinced myself to ignore Sid and get over him by looking for a new job, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him.

The wedding function was going very well. Only problem was me. I was going through the motion of enjoying myself, but in fact, I was walking like a headless zombie, just moving the body parts to act like the part of happy me.

I overdid everything to tire myself from the tasks and hoping the physical exhaustion would bring in sound dreamless sleep. I was waging a war with myself to enforce peace within my heart.

Kashyap was closely following me all the time  trying to decode my face and get to the bottom of the mystery illness I was battling, but I didn't discuss 'Sid' with anyone. He was my mystery illness.

"Samantha, What's going on? You are being aloof and seem to be fighting an invisible ghost on your own." Kash cornered me on the balcony as I was lost in thought looking at the beautiful full moon in the night sky.

"Kash, you don't give up? Do you?" I asked forcing a smile.

"Hey! what are friends for? Care to share your problems. I do have some special medicine capable of curing any problems." He asked winking his eyes.

"Kash thanks for trying to help, but the issues are job related and am sure your magical medicine won't cure my problem." I turned around to face him and at the same moment, I saw Samira watching both us from the living room window. In fact, not both of us, only Kash. 

It was like a triangle. Samira was looking at Kash, Kash was looking at me and I was looking at Samira.

I knew that look. Samira was watching Kash intently and it was clear that she likes him and wanted him. Unfortunately Kash was after me and I was still recovering from Sid and God only knows if I will ever recover.

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