Part 6

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Samy's POV

It didn't take long for the word to get to Sid. My parents were waiting eagerly for me to return from the date with Sid. They heard his car stop and watched me get out and come inside.

I knew they would ask me about my decision, but I was not ready for the question they asked as I didn't think that far.

"So Samy ... when do you want to get married?  Can you guys wait till Summer? "

"Wait .. what? I didn’t say yes yet?" I asked, surprised she skipped the first question asking if I was agreeing to take Sid as my life partner.

"Its written all over your face, so I skipped the first question."

"Mom!" I screamed embarrassed.

"Its okay baby." Both my parents burst into laughter.

"Yep, Summer should be fine." I screamed running upstairs to my room.

I closed the door and hurried to the nearest mirror to look at my face and see what they were referring to. I saw the glow and the unstoppable smile pasted on my face. "Gosh what did he do to me!", I flopped on the bed.

The next few days were nothing but sweet torture. Sid called me a few times, but we couldn't talk much as I was busy or he got interrupted with other calls. We decided to go on a date on Saturday after he returned from his trip. The same day our parents set up a meeting to go over engagement and marriage preparations.

Finally Saturday came and I was ready since morning, waiting for Sid to take me out for dinner. I couldn't believe myself, my eyes would look at the front gate every two seconds and the slightest sound of any vehicle entering our street would make me run to the window. The wait was driving me crazy.

"Samy .. control  .. control ..!" I screamed at myself. I didn't want to show him my desperate side.

Finally my prayers got answered and he arrived at 5:15 PM. I rushed to the window and saw him get out of the car and casually stroll towards the front door, showing no urgency. I decided to make him wait and remained upstairs.

I heard my parents talk to him and discuss about their planned meeting with his parents later in the day. After ten minutes walking back and forth in my room, I gave up and went downstairs to meet him.

"Hi Samantha!" He got up and rushed towards me with his hands reaching out for a crushing hug.

"Sid!" I stopped him with my hand on his chest, scolding him with my eyes for trying to hug me right in front of my mom.

"Ok ... you ready? .. let's go"

"Are you both going to join us for dinner?" My mom asked. My parents and Sid's parents were meeting for dinner at a restaurant.

"No! ... I will come home directly." I replied, picking my purse and following Sid.

Sid surprised me by opening the door for me.

"Thanks Sid"

"Can we go to dinner directly? I am starving. My plane got delayed and I had to skip lunch to make it here on time."

"Aww .. thank you .. sure", I gave him puppy eyes. He returned it back with a warm smile.

He actually reserved seats at the popular Park Rivera. We both started discussing food and after discussing about the menu, decided on the dishes we wanted to try and placed our order.

"Samantha  .. how many of these dishes can you make?" He asked me showing the menu, taking me by surprise.

"Ha! I haven't cooked in a while  .. so don't depend on me. What about you?" I turned the question back.

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