Part 9

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Samy's POV

Next day I walked into the office expecting Sid to be already in, he usually came in by 7 AM.

Having Sid's cube close to my office increased the time of my morning routine by few minutes as I had to make sure to look good. I blamed Sid for it as I had to wake up much earlier to be in office on time.

"Oh yeah! Blame him for everything ..", my inner voice shouted.

"Ofcourse I will", I countered, "if not for his stupid actions, we would have been married and I would have been kissing him good morning. Stupid!" I shouted back to myself walking by his cube and slammed my office door, hoping the idiot would understand my pain.

I sat in my chair and looked at him through the glass panel. If I was burning earlier, after looking at him, I was literally on fire -  look at him, laughing and smiling, talking on phone with someone.

He was enjoying life and I was stuck on him. I felt like barging into his cube, yank the phone from his hands and bash him with it, till he begged for my forgiveness.

Just then I saw our PR manager Mr Manik come towards my office. When it comes to PR, one would expect a young person, usually a female, represent the company, specially for a young industry like Information  Technology, but in our case it was Mr Manik, almost 65 years old, baldy with a bad case of hearing. However he was very dedicated and effective in his job.

Once every three months, Manik attended technical conferences and usually requested someone from my team to accompany him. As time went on, it became clear to everyone that it was virtually torture to spend a day with him and I had to literally force people to volunteer.

I decided to take out my anger on Sid by sending him out with Manik. As Manik approached my office, I stepped out and introduced him to Sid.

"Sid, I am volunteering your services for the day to Manik. Please represent our team." I tried to keep my voice as casual as possible, suppressing the laughter inside, as my best buddy Uma approached us from the other side.

"Sure, no problem." Sid replied, leaving with Manik.

"Samy .. poor guy .. why do you hate him so much ... hmm .. poor sacrificial lamb." Uma lectured me watching Sid leave with Manik.

"What! ..  If you want to save him by volunteering .. be my guest. " I countered, glaring at her insinuations.

"Hmm .. better him than me. Lucky you - you have a bunch of new employees to sacrifice." She patted my shoulder walking away.

"Keep an eye on him when he returns back. I am leaving early today." I told her going back into my office. With Sid not around for rest of the day, I had a distraction free work day ahead of me.

Later in the evening Uma called me at home.

"Samy .. lucky you went home early. Sid came back in the evening and rushed into your office. Seeing you already left, he slammed the door and rushed out. He looked very frustated and angry. Better be careful tomorrow."

"Thanks for the heads up Uma." I thanked her and disconnected.

Next day Sid tried to talk to me a few times, but each time he knocked on the door,  I acted as if I was busy and sent him away. I needed him to cool down.

After two days, he looked more calm, seemed to get over the incident and stopped bothering me the next few days.

It was Friday again and I had a series of meetings with clients lined up. I was so caught up in the meetings that I missed my regular ten o'clock coffee break. I was finishing a status email for a client, when I heard a knock on the office door.

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