Chapter Twenty-Three

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Brendon kneeled beside the sofa in Grange’s cabin, where Ella slept soundly. The thought of walking out of that door across the room caused his heart to feel as if it were being torn straight from his chest.

He had no idea when he would see her face again. When he would hear her quiet voice. The voice that was showing more and more emotion with each passing day. He had no idea when he would again be able to look into those light green eyes that now gave away every emotion she felt, whether she realized it or not.

His Ella. His lifemate. The one person made just for him. Perfectly suited to be by his side for all of eternity. How in the hell could a man be expected to walk away from something like that?

Brendon wasn’t sure but he knew he had to.

She was breathing lightly. Her warm breath blowing the red strands of hair that had fallen across her soft face. She looked so peaceful.

Brendon hadn’t told her that he’d be leaving while she slept but he knew that’s what he had to do. If he waited until she was awake and looking at him with those eyes full of sadness then he’d never be able to leave. And if he didn’t leave they might just come for him…. And if that happened then Ella could be killed and Grange’s entire pack would be in danger.

Brendon couldn’t do that. He wasn’t that selfish.

He leaned forward, laying a feather light kiss to Ella’s brow, and then rose to his full height. He longed to wake her up, to say something, anything, to let her know how much he cared about her…

He could only hope that the time they had spent together today and the love they had made would hold her through until he could return. Ella’s trust, her faith in him, was such a fragile thing given her past and he could only pray that it would last.

Reaching into his pocket, Brendon pulled out an envelope with her name scrawled across the front. Inside the envelope was a letter, telling her what she meant to him, one of many he planned on giving to her while he was away.

He sat the envelope gently beside her, leaning it against her arm so she would find it when she awoke.

Brendon felt as if he aged one hundred years instantly, the moment he turned and began to drag his booted feet away from Ella.

He forced himself out to the barn and began saddling his horse. This was a big roan stallion that had proven to be strong and had great endurance. Maybe this beast would last him longer than most seemed to.

He was cinching the saddle tightly around the horse when he heard footsteps behind him.

“I didn’t mean to wake you, Grange.” Brendon apologized without turning around.

“You didn’t. I don’t sleep much.” Grange replied honestly. Brendon nodded and then hooked his satchel of weapons and supplies to the saddle horn. He had replaced everything he had lost after Vaughn had attacked Ella.

He had his rifle in the scabbard on the saddle, his crossbow on his back, revolver on his side, derringer in his boot and a bowie on his leg. Crosses, anti-venoms, holy water and ammunition filled his satchel.

“I’m gonna ride over to Nickolai’s and then I’ll be leaving.”

“I promise you that they will be taken care of here. As far as I’m concerned they are part of my pack now and I will protect them with my life if need be.”

Brendon turned to Grange then and offered him a small smile.


“Here.” Grange said holding out a sack that smelled of ham, bread and sugar. “Dawn wanted you to have it.”
Brendon opened it and peeked inside.

Hunting the Hunter (Second in Lone Wolf series)Where stories live. Discover now