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Hey guys, Ive uploaded a new chapter because I've had so much time! You better be proud of me!

I need to know what you guys like and hate about the story please. I need to know at least some people are reading!

Hope you enjoy it

Sao xx

(Willow’s POV)

I turned around and started making myself busy by making some toast.

I was just starting to put Peanut butter on my toast, when I hear the voice.


I look up and there he is.

Turns out he had been there the whole time, but I’d just ignored him.


He looks at me for a long time; as I do the same.

“How are you feeling”? He asks me in a quiet voice.

I soon realise that he’s not the only one quiet though. The whole room has gone quiet, so they can hear our conversation.

“I'm okay”. I won’t give anything away, especially not to him.

He looks at me for another second before he quickly and carefully puts something in my hand.

Just before I open my hand, he’s walked away, out of the room.

I look down into my hand, and there’s a piece of paper. I open it and read:

If it doesn’t hurt,

Then why are you crying?

I fold it back up and turn to leave without my toast.

I no longer feel like eating.

(Tai’s POV)

I gave her the piece of paper and left.

I didn’t want to see the truth easily written across her face.

I mean why do I care?

Why do I care that she’s been hurt before?

I go out onto the field, and just start juggling. I can feel the tension in my shoulders and back start to relax, as I get into more of a rhythm.









I'm almost in a trance when I hear;


I turn around and see her beautiful eyes. 

They’re now red, and all because of me.

“I could tell when you didn’t answer my question. You’re not one to not answer a question. Also I carried you to bed, and I could feel that you hadn’t been hugged in a while, by the way your arms had scrunched the pillow into your chest”.

I wouldn’t tell her how she had cried out his name, and yelling, “Why did you do that to me?”

I won’t tell her how she clung onto me and begged me to never let her go.

I can almost guess the story; I didn’t need to hear it from her.

That's why I also won’t tell her how I kissed her forehead, as I have longed to do since day one.

I come back into reality, and instead of seeing sadness, the wall has been built again, and all I see in anger.

“Why did you give this to me”? She asked whilst thrusting the piece of paper at me.

“I wanted you to know that you could talk to me”.

I let it go.

All of the hate and resentment.

I just let it go.

She walked all the way up to me, not giving me any clue as to what would happen next.

“I don’t need your pity”.

With that she stormed back to the cabins, leaving me breathing hard.

Breathing Hard because I’d let her in, the first person I had since the accident.

I clench my muscles, needing to hit something.

How could she say that after I’d practically given her permission to be my friend?

Doesn’t she know who I am?

I decide not to even have one thought about her and her ugly problems.

She was dropped; she was out of my mind for good.


(Willow’s POV)

As I was stomping back to the cabins, I broke.

I couldn’t hold in the pain any longer. I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t let him affect my life.

And here he was, still on my mind after months.

I lie in bed and cry and cry.

The soft doona does nothing to soothe my aching chest.

I fall asleep with the memory of Tai’s face.


I saw was anger.

And it was directed straight at me.

I also saw pain, but yet, how could someone so heartless feel pain?

And how did I make him feel pain?

So what do you think?

Is Tai ever going to forgive her? And will they ever get over their differences?

Lots of Love

Sao xo

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