Chapter 8

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Bellamy's P.O.V

The car flipped over, my head screaming in agony. I look over to Clarke to see if she is ok as someone pulls open my door, "Are you ok?!" They shout, dialing 999. "Sir just stay with me. You are going to be ok. Stay conscious if you can."

My eyes start to droop and I can't hold them open, my world slipping in and out of conciousness.

I faintly hear the sounds of an ambulance, and watch as a team of medics run to Clarke and I. They get us out safely and place Clarke on a stretcher, her unconcious body rolling around like a doll.

"Sir can you hear me? What is your name?" A medic asks me hurridely. "Bellamy Blake. Is she ok!" I shout, pointing to my girlfriend. The medic ignores the question and examines me, "Does anything hurt?" She asks. "Just my head, hand and ribs." I say and she nods her head, taking notes. "Can you give us her identification? Any family that she has to contact?"

I nod my head, the tears stinging my eyes. "Her name is Clarke Griffin, her mother and father died a few years ago. She works at Polis hospital. I am her only family. Me and my sister, Octavia Blake." Her eyes open wide at the sound of Clarke's name. "I'm Indra, one of Clarke's collegues. As you can tell we didn't recognise her. You are welcome to ride in the ambulance with her, we will call your sister and tell her to come down to the hospital where you were both be staying. You won't have to be in there for long, a night maybe. But Clarke..." Her voice trailed off at the end.

I climbed in beside Clarke, holding onto her hand tightly. You could barely recognise her. She had blood covering half of her face and it was clear parts of her bones were broken. "You are going to be ok... you have to be.." I whisper. I kiss her hand lightly as the tears slip out.

Everything that happened at the hospital was a blur. The minute we got there Indra got me into a wheelchair and took me down to one of the examining rooms as I heard doctors and nurses being shouted for Clarke.

Indra informed me that I had a few broken ribs, a concussion and some of the bones in my hand had been badly bruised. But in comparison to Clarke, I was barely damaged. Octavia arrived shortly after we had been brought in, telling me that Clarke was in emergency surgery and that no-one was allowed to see her yet, but they would tell us when she was allowed to be seen and what her condition was like when they knew better...

A month later

Clarke's P.O.V

My body aches all over and I hear the white noise of a heart rate monitor in the background. What happened?

I feel a hand wrapped tightly around my own and I can faintly heard someone sobbing. I peel my eyes open and take in what was happening. "Clarke, I am so sorry... Please wake up... I can't live without you baby..." Bellamy was sobbing, his eyes screwed tightly shut as tears streamed down his face. Never in my life did I ever think that I would properly see Bellamy Blake cry.

"I can't live without you either..." I croaked out, scaring the man next to me. His bloodshot eyes stared into my blue ones as he searched for any sign of pain. He reached over and crashed his lips into mine, need and love flowing through his tears. "I love you so much Princess. Are you ok?" He asked hurriedly. I smile weakly at him, "Yes, I'm ok. What happened?" I ask.

I look down at my body. Many tubes and needles hooking themselves to machines and my right leg in a cast. My head throbbed slightly and I also realised that my left forearm was casted up too. I lifted up the nightgown, making sure my bottom half was covered, and stared at the damage on my stomach. A long thin line stretched aross it, having about 20 stitches holding it together. "You don't remember anything?" He asked, confusion furrowed in his eyebrows.

"The last thing I remember is driving us home... and then..." Suddenly the memory came back. The speeding car and the car flipping over. And then nothing. Bellamy looks sadly at me and rubs his thumb over my knuckles. "What is the damage?" I ask, afraid for the response.

"Broken femur and knee-cap, both have mostly healed but you'll need the cast on for about a week before being in a boot. Your forearm snapped pretty badly but again, a week or so and it should be healed. You hit your head pretty bad, and needed a blood transfusion and finally, your stomach. You nearly died... If the shards of glass went in any deeper, you wouldn't be here... They were so unsure if you would survive surgery, let alone wake up..." Bellamy breathed out, another tear falling down his face.

"Hey.." I say softly, wiping away the tear and cupping his cheek, "I am here still, and I am awake.  There is nothing to worry about anymore. I love you..." He smiles and gently brings his lips to mine again, "I love you too.."

"Bell? Did I miss anything?" Octavia says groggily as I realised she had been asleep on the sofa the whole time. She stretched out, still leaving her eyes unopened and yawned. I giggled slightly and her eyes shot open. "Clarke... you're awake!" She said.

She hopped up and carefully embraced me, just as Indra walked into the room. "Good to see you are awake Clarke, and alive. I am guessing Bellamy caught you up on what has happened?" I nodded my head and smiled at them all, and they all smiled grately back at me.

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