Chapter 6

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Clarke's P.O.V

We started to pack up all of our stuff, and got changed. I threw on my only available clothes left, a new short summer dress, and we walked out carrying our bags. We checked out of the hotel and met the others at the car, throwing said bags into the boot and climbing in. I sat back down in Bellamy's lap, but this time we were in the furthest backseat to give us a little more room for the two of us. Murphy was convieniently sat next to us and as I climbed onto Bellamy's lap he kept smirking over at us. So I glared back.

Lincoln had decided to take the bumpier route home as there had been an accident on the motorway. After about two hours of being bounced about from the uneven roads, I started to feel something poke into me. "Sorry." I said, trying to be as discreet as I could, "Don't worry Princess. I can feel you getting wet from the thought of it pressing against you and boy isn't that amusing." He light heartedly laughed into my ear. I wiggled my hips on his growing bulge, biting back my laugh as I watched his eyes grow darker. He moved his hand beneath me and moved my underwear to one side, sliding his finger around my opening. Lincoln hit a bump in the road, Bellamy's finger slipping into me. I nearly screamed out in pleasure, making everyone turning to look at me in concern, "I just hit my h-head." I said, rubbing my head. I glared at Bellamy, my stare not holding for long as he started to push his finger in and out of me.

He pulled it out of me and quickly and quietly unzipped his trousers, pushing down his boxers and lining himself up with me. I sat straight down on him, pleasure filling up my senses. He tired to move inside of me as discreetly as he could, but he couldn't with me sat on him. I clutch onto the headrest in-front of me, thankful that both Jasper and Murphy were asleep, and hovered over his cock. He started to slam into me as quietly and discreetly as possible. He reached in front of me to rub my clit, trying to quicken my climax. I clentched around him to do the same, trying to bring us both quickly to our orgasms. Soon enough, I felt the knot ready to burst in my stomach as Bellamy angled up, hitting my G-spot and nearly making me scream out. I clentch around him ever harder, biting down on my lip and surely drawing blood. He pours himsef inside of me, the warm sensation sendning tingles up my body. Boy was I glad I was taking the pill!

We covered ourselves back up and I sunk down Bellamy's lap to rest my head against his shoulder. Falling asleep almost instantly from the climax.

We arrived home at around 1:15, Everyone else getting into their cars and driving themselves homes, leaving Octavia, Bellamy and I. "So my schedule has slightly changed for the last term of the year. Octavia, I have dropped Dance and History now. The reason behind this, is that the hospital have secured me a job there for after the summer. Their requirements though for me to have that space is that I have to completed my studies in bio-med this year and take a masters in it next year, and that I keep working as an A and E standby now." She squealed pulling me in for a hug, "OMG! This is so good! Clarkie is gonna be a doctor!" She jumped up and down, "The only other downside now is that on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday I will have Bio-med at 1-2 and then Art 2:30-3:30, then going straight to my shift which is extended hours as well from 4-12. That means I now get Tuesdays and Fridays off to 'study' and then on the weekends I have to work for 8hrs. Either day or both, I get to choose!" This was such a big opportunity for me and I know my parents would be proud! My mum was one of the best doctors at the hospital hence why I had been given it a little easier, and my Dad was always into his artsy things as he became an artist. "Anyway, I have a shorter shift tonight from 4-10. So I won't be home for dinner."

"What time is your break then later Princess?" Bellamy asked as we carried our luggage upstairs leaving O catching up with shows she had missed. She had been getting really into a show called The 100 and was has been screaming at the tv the past couple of weeks because one of her favourite characters started dating someone that wasn't who most of the fandom shipped them with or something (A/N YES I AM MEANING BECHO!). "My break is at 7 till 7:30. Why?" "No reason." He smirked turning left to go into his room as I turned right into mine. Our rooms were literally across the hall from one another, so the first few months we were here we ginger knocked on each others doors just for the fun of it.

I threw my suitcase down on my bed and placed my bags on the floor. I piled all my dirty clothing up, putting it into the washing basket and walked across the hall to Bellamy's room, "Hey, I need your dirty clothes so I can put them in the wash. And maybe steal one or two." He laughed and pointed over to a pile of clothes on his huge bed. I gathered them up and threw them into the basket, a muscular pair of arms wrapping around my waist as I did so. I turned around and kissed him lightly, pushing him off and walking back down the stairs to throw them into the washing machine.

The rest of the afternoon I sat on the sofa with Octavia watching Friends re-runs to pass the time, finally getting up at around quater past three and heading upstairs to get into my scrubs. I arrived at the hospital in time and wandered straight to my post, checking with by best work friend Indra and Doc. Jackson, our boss who we got along with really well. Jackson sent me to bay 3 for a check over, seeing if the young boy in there needed to be sent to x-ray. After that I was all about the ward, checking over sprains, breaks and cuts. Nothing too major yet, but there was bound to be.

7 rolled around a lot quicker than I had expected it to and as I was passing back throught the entrance I saw a familiar face. "What did you do Bell?" I ask, crossing my arms over, "Nothing this time Princess." He chuckled walking over to me and pecking my lips, "Thought you would like a more substantial snack then some toast." He pulled out a bag from behind his back, filled with some sandwiches and crisps for us both. I smiled up and him and took his hand, passing Indra and telling her we were going into the quiet room.

I opened the door and flicked the dim lights on, picking up a folded blanket and laying it down on the floor for us to have a picnic. "You didn't have to do this you know, but thankyou." He smiled at me and pecked my lips again, sitting down on the blanket and handing me a sandwich and some crisps. I bit into it, the taste of cheese, pickle and onion searing my taste buds, I groaned in satisfaction, "Best. Sandwich. Ever. That is amazing." I gesture to my favourite type if sandwich and smile. We eat quietly, bringing back memories from our childhood, "ohhhhh!! Remember that time that we really annoyed Octavia, beacuse for Halloween you wanted to be a king and said that I should be a princess. And then when Halloween came around she didn't know and was wearing a bee-costume!" I snorted. "Those nicknames had to come from somewhere! My Princess and My little Bumblebee!" He laughed back.

After Bellamy had left the night carried back on at it's unusually fast pace. Just as I was getting ready to leave, Indra came rushing around the corner, "Good! You are still here, a young girl is refusing to let anyone take a look at her, she keeps asking for you Clarke. She said to tell you it's your little bird." I felt so confused but followed Indra to find Raven. As I walked into the waiting room I spotted her and she immediately came over to me.

I pulled her into an empty bay and looked at the cut on her head, "Raven what happened?" I said calmly. "Finn came in, asking for me back. He was so drunk and I told him I would have that conversation with him, sober. He kept pushing on & on & on & on & on, and when I told him I wasn't deciding now he flipped out and smashed his beer bottle against my head." Finn had never been that violent to anyone, this was a first.

I cleaned up the wound quickly and let her leave, picking up my bags and making my way to a quiet home...

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