Chapter 7

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A/N I am going to stop writing Clarke's P.O.V at the top, I will specify if it isn't hers

I unlocked the door, walking into silence. "Octavia, Bell?" I dropped my keys in the key bowl and kicked off my shoes, leaving them with the pile of other shoes. I walked into the living room, spotting Netflix giving it's annoying, 'Are you still watching?' message. Curled up on the sofa, Octavia was fast asleep. I picked up the nearest blanket and threw it over her, then I picked up her phone and made sure her alarm was set for 9. She will shoot me for setting it so late, but she needed this sleep now. I flipped off the lights as I approched the stairs, running up two at a time into my room. I threw my scrubs into a small pile in the corner of the room.

I approached the door, and opened it, before I ran across the hall and opened Bellamy's door, sliding my body in the small gap. I looked around to find him, seeing the same message on his tv that I had downstairs, with a similar looking Bellamy, sprawled across his bed. I looked through his drawers, finding my favourite top of his and threw it on, letting it hang just above my knees. I gently crawled in beside him, slipping under his arm and snuggling up into his warmth. "What time is it Princess..?" He asked extremely groggily, "11, what time do you have class in the morning?" "History at 10:30. Then Psychology, the history lecture and then basketball. I finish at 4:15. What time does work start tommorrow?" "I have to be at the hospital for 4 again, and I don't finish til late. Bio-med is at 12:45 so don't wake me. And Carl asked me to tell you that he needs you at the bar for 9:30 ish, you will finish around the same time as me so get a lift in and I will come get you. Now, go back to sleep handsome." He smiled and I pecked his lips.

I picked up the remote and changed the nextflix to my account and started to re-watch The Vampire Diaries, falling asleep after the first episode.


Bellamy's alarm went off, startling me from my sleep, "Sorry Princess. It's 9:30 now, I think I heard O leave a few minutes ago for class. Do you want me to set an alarm for you?" I peeled my eyes open, seeing Bellamy shirtless, changing his trousers. I crawled out and walked over to him, placing my hands on his hips and kissing down his spine, "No, I am awake now no point going back for unrested sleep. I'll make breakfast. You want some pancakes?" He nodded his head, turning round and kissing me lightly as I melted into his touch. I walked through the door and back down the stairs, rounding into the kitchen.

"OH MY GOD!" Octavia and Lincoln were sat at the island, making me jump. "You made me jump guys." I say snarkily, walking round to the fridge and pulling out some ingredients for the pancakes. Octavia looked at my appearance, smirking, "Isn't that Bellamy's favourite green day shirt?" I flush red, "Yes, it is. Well spotted." I gulp, laying everything out on the side and starting to mix the batter. "Hey babe! Do you know where my green-day shirt is?" Bellamy shouted as he turned into the kitchen, bare of a shirt and dropping his phone as he saw a gobsmacked Octavia sat at the table. My eyes bulged out of my head, "oh.. uh... nevermind..?" He said quietly.

"YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" She screamed, happiness filling her features. Bellamy walked over to me, pulling me to face him and gave me a kiss that was full of passion. The two at the table gawked at us as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I bit my lip and nodded, "OMG! Why didn't you tell me! How long as this been going on?" She screetched. "Nearly a week, the first day of our holiday.. When Bellamy had the nightmare and we went for a walk he told me, and so I told him. And that was the start of it." I laughed. "So that is why the panic attack was so bad! Wait, did I just experience the post-sex Bellarke convo?" She said, feeling slightly digusted. "No!" I laughed. "But, to disgust you even more. We did do it with you in a 7 foot vacinity if us." Bellamy said, making O choke on her cup of coffee.

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