Chapter 4

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Clarke's P.O.V

Soon enough we had finished our meal and were deciding what to do for the day, "We could go to the beach or the zoo? Maybe just go on a good old shopping trip!" O said, earning a groan from Jasper and Monty. "Well if no one else is complaining then we are going shopping, if you two don't want to come then I'm sure we will text you later and find out what we are doing tonight." I say, still agitated from Echo's taunts earlier. They nod sheepishly and tell us they will scout around the town for a bit and go down to the spa, leaving the rest of us to find the nearest shopping estate to go to.

When we arrive there we see it isn't so packed. Ocatvia and I grabbed each others arms and ran into the huge Primark that stood infront of us. There were lots of cute clothes that we wanted to buy, but we limitied ourselves and said we would come back later. I ended up spending well over £50 in there, mostly on Disney clothes and a new pj top. The boys didn't seem to mind too much as we dragged them through clothes shops, knowing we would take them into a game shop or something later.

Octavia and I walked a little in front of the rest of the group, our arms being weighed down by bags upon bags of clothes and all sorts of items. "Oh my god! Lincoln! Come on! There is a hand waxing stall! We have to get one done of the two of us!" She beamed, dragging Lincoln to the stall. I took her bags from her and sat down at a nearby bench surveying my surroundings. We had yet to get lunch, but there was a KFC down the road so we would stop by there to get dinner on the way back. There was still 'The Body Shop' and 'MUA', 'MAC', ect left for us to blow all our money on.

Bellamy sat down next to me, "How's the shopping?" "Good for the most part. I'm just getting a little tired of seeing the same things over and over. But as long as O is happy, I am happy." I say playing with my own fingers. He smiles at me and pulls me up, "Hey O! Princess and I need to find a certain person a present for their up-coming birthday. We will meet you in the car park say in about an hour?" She nodded her head and Bellamy picked up some of my bags, walking infront of me.

"Bell!? Where are we going?" I laugh as he leads me in all different directions. Finally he stops by a pair of doors that we passed earlier. "I noticed it when we passed earlier, thought it would be nice to take a break down in the park there." He laced his fingers with mine and we headed up for a nice clear patch of grass that was half in the shade, half in the sun. I opened my bag and pulled out a new pair of sunglasses, unwrapping them and placing them over my eyes. I throw my bags behind us, sitting down and laying my head in Bellamy's lap. "You're cute when your tired. You know that?" He said quietly, looking down at me like I was the best thing in the world. I lean up slightly, pulling his head down so I can catch his lips. I melt into it, feeling relaxed in Bellamy's strong arms.

I hear someone cough loudly, as if to get our attention. I peel away from Bellamy, looking up to the stranger that stood outlined by the sun. "I got bored listening to Miller talking about getting laid last night. Did not think I would come out here to see this  happening!" "Murphy! Crap!" I scramble to sit up and move out of Bellamy's arms. Murphy just laughs, sitting down beside us, "Don't worry. I won't tell O. Even though she will be estatic."

We sit and talk for about half an hour, playing around and teasing one another. "We had better start heading back, otherwise they will know that something is up." Bellamy sighs, pushing himself off the ground. I pout up at him, watching him as he drags a hand through his hair. Murphy gets up as well, watching me and Bellamy, knowing what is about to happen. All of a sudden, Bellamy reaches down and grabs me, tickling my sides and pulling me up into his arms. I struggle to get away, "Bell.. Bellamy! S-stop! Ok! I'm coming!" I say between giggles. He turns me round to face him, pecking my lips and setting me down. We pick up my bags and head back the way we came, spotting the group as they come from the other side of the hall.

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