Part 4 - Taste of Guilt

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Joanne started to unbutton my bra and I was still lost in his touch. He was so erotic, passionate, desired with lust, godly hot and his cologne made me forget everything else!

It was just the time when he started to move his lips on my neck kissing the color bone and upper edge of my boob, I noticed a key chain hanging on his car keys with the letter H! And It brought me back to my senses.

He is Helen's boyfriend and how can we do this now? I asked myself. And I immediately pushed him hard but he didn't let me go. I tried harder to push him and grabbed myself out of the car.

Fortunately, due to rain, nobody was there outside my apartment to notice my unbuttoned dress. I quickly wrapped my dress and walk fast to my apartment floor.

I thought Joanne will come after me, but He's not. And with a heart of guilt and eyes full of tears, I ran inside the house and locked myself.

I was wet, completely drenched in rain, and crying on the floor without understanding why all this happened. I could feel his touch throughout my bare back, neck, lips, and boobs. I could not bring myself out of his thoughts, his kiss, his touch, his lust. But these all reminded me of how do I made this huge mistake because Joanne was already taken by Helen, my friend.

A week passed, and the guilt keeps on eating my soul. I couldn't face any of my friends. I kept myself locked into my apartment trying to forget the incident like it was never happened!

My friends called me and I barely speak to them and started to give them some fake excuse to avoid. I wanted to clear my mind and I started to dig myself deep into the books, TV and avoided all the outside events. I used to act normal as much as I can and everything was getting back to normal.

Weeks passed, months passed, the college was fine and I rarely speak with my friends. I started to regain myself and forget about Joanne. I never make my presence in a place where Joanne could be there, and I strongly avoided speaking anything personal with Helen because I know she loves Joanne a lot and I can't ruin a love life of a couple especially the one who is my friend.

Later a month, I was about to go to sleep where I heard a doorbell. It was around 9.30 PM. As I live all alone in a new country among new people I didn't make many friends and I always keep my profile low. I was quite clueless over the bell...

When I checked the door, It was Joanne!

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