44. out with the old...

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44. out with the old...

We waited in the hospital for 4 hours.

4 grueling hours before Anthony's little beeper-thing started flashing red, indicating that it was finally his turn.

He was surprisingly cheerful throughout the entire wait, making funny faces at a toddler next to us, conversing with the old couple across the room, and constantly-

Constantly touching me.

"Get off my hair." I grumbled, shoving his hand off of the top of my head. For the entirety of two minutes, he was patting my head nonstop as if I was his guardian dog or something.

At first it was somewhat comforting, until he went on and on, and on.

"Your hair is soft." Was his explanation.

"So is yours." I growled, pulling a tuft of his mane of hair just for the fun of it.

Actually not for the fun of it, more like- just to agitate him the way he had been agitating me.

However, I'm pretty sure me tugging his hair took a different route in his mind because his eyes were starting to smolder and turn into that look that was beginning to grow quite familiar.

To my own shock, I realized that he made the same face before Yuna Rocks, and I just bypassed it as something else.

Unfortunately, before he could claim my mouth, this was right around the time that his beeper went off.

Together we stood, after Anthony said his goodbyes to his new friends, ruffling the toddler's hair on the way past of course.

I rolled my eyes, letting an amused smile slip on my face when I took in the toddler's disgruntled expression.

Looking at babies and toddlers was dangerous in all honesty, it made me want one, and to be 18 and pregnant was not my goal.

I didn't really have anything against pregnant teens, but the ones I saw weren't even fully grown themselves. Speaking from an unbiased opinion, even my own cousin fell pregnant at 14, despite that she would go out to parties and outings every night when her baby was still a newborn. I feel as if once you have a baby, you have to raise that baby. Not your parents, not family members, the responsibility falls on you.

That is if you decide to keep the baby, which I'd rather not get into.

There was also another girl in 9th grade who turned up pregnant, and yet right after she had her baby, someone called her a "hoe." And she fought them. I'm not saying it's easy to adjust to motherhood for anyone, but what I am saying is that I've always felt as if unless you have your own house, your own car, or at least your own money, then a baby can wait. Unless you get pregnant despite your attempts to prevent pregnancy for the time-being.

Honestly if my 14 year old child turned up pregnant and expected me to mother the both of them, I'd slap the sh*t out of her. Mostly because what the hell is a fourteen year old doing having sex anyway...I blame Romeo and Juliet. They're like the classic-est of the classics, and they were around the age of 14 so they started it.

But where did that lead them to?


Ugh, I was starting to sound like Klaus.

My point being, me being 18 and still a virgin, and yet in this society some 13 year olds were just opening their tacos like it was nothing.

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