34. a dispute with a melon

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34. a dispute with a melon 

Anthony's POV

I fucked up

When I saw Felicity at the race, panic took over me for her wellbeing

I blurted what I knew would make her want to leave, what I didn't seem to think of was that not only would my words make her want to leave, but also they would possibly hurt her.

The fury in her wide brown eyes went out like a blown-out candle, yet at that moment it was exactly what I wanted.

Some girls were sexy while they were mad, some were cute, and some were both.

Felicity managed to be both.

Despite that, I knew her anger would just make her want to defy me. In this situation, defiance was bad.

I caught the eye of Nikolas, standing near his car. He grinned, showing off bloody teeth, which only fueled my own anger.

However, when I looked back to Felicity, she was already walking away.

I strangely didn't feel relieved, not when I had glimpsed the brief flicker of hurt in her eyes.

Regret was enough of an explanation.

At school everytime I saw her, I found myself avoiding the conversation.

Apologies weren't my thing really, it's not that I didn't mind doing them

I just found them to be hard to relay, while evoking that certain amount of sincerity that everyone was looking for.

My sorries were more of like a monotone.

So, before I knew it, the day of the singing festival came up, or whatever the hell it was called.

I promised Felicity I would go, and even if she probably couldn't stand me- I wasn't going to break that promise.

Surprisingly, the field was full- I never attended this type of crap, so I didn't know how it went exactly, but like I said, a promise is a promise.

Dotted all along the field were a number of stands selling cotton candy, hotdogs, french fries, funnel cakes, and games, really it was just a bunch of booths. The setting was more of a carnival type than some type of singing thing. The smell of fried food and sweets filled the air and I sighed.

No fucking salad though

As I was walking past a secluded booth, a clown popped out of nowhere and I jumped.

Joder! What the fuck"

I mean, I jolted.

I wasn't afraid of clowns, just how the fucker came out of nowhere kind of had me on edge.

The clown cackled and I side-eyed it as I walked past

Who the fuck hired his bitch ass

I must have been pretty early because it didn't appear as if this thing was starting anytime soon, and I still didn't see Felicity.

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