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Law laid on his back, eyes locked on the ceiling, his brain too overworked from the last few days. A sigh pushed passed his parted lips for the millionth time since he'd returned to the apartment. The sun would be up soon and the tv could still be heard in the living room, he assumed you hadn't been to bed either. Sleeplessness would only bring on the possibility of more anxiety attacks. You needed rest and this situation wasn't helping.

It bothered him that he was even thinking about how you were sitting up at night worrying about him coming home while also knowing things would still be tense when he did.

Why did he have to be in this situation?

His tired mind drifted back to the night you spent with him after first witnessing your attack. You were so vulnerable, all of the walls of sass and attitude you'd built to keep him out had temporarily crumbled down.

He'd watched your sleeping face with a sinking sensation in his stomach. This wasn't what he wanted.

How did this sneak up on him?

The sun had finally risen and you decided to move your sleep deprived self into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. You'd spent the entire night awake on the sofa terrified of whatever conversation was going to take place. A chill shot down your spine when you heard his door finally open.

"Coffee?" you weakly offered when Law entered the room with a yawn.

Without a word Law made his way to the coffee maker taking his preferred mug from the hook below the kitchen cabinets. After getting his coffee he dropped down into the seat across from you, his tattooed hand sliding a small piece of paper across the table to you.

It was a very worn wallet sized photograph, just by the looks it had to have been taken when you were a kid. The photo was a young girl with brunette piggy tails, big bright eyes and a grin to match. There was something eerily familiar about her that you couldn't quite place.

Law's piercing gaze swept over you observing every aspect of the photo with a confused pout.

"That's Lami," he murmured, "my younger sister."

Younger sister?!

You had no idea the man you were engaged to had siblings. Something terrible must've happened if he never spoke of her.

Suddenly it felt like you'd swallowed a boulder.

"Despite the laws, my parents loved each other and us very much. We were lucky. Forced families are often resented, that's why I don't agree with it." he'd closed his eyes trying to keep himself together, "When I was ten I was at a sleepover at a friend's house down the street when we woke up to sirens at my house. Apparently an outlet in the kitchen sparked. Lami ... Was the only person who left the house alive." 

Though his eyes remained closed the pain was evident on his face. You couldn't bring yourself to speak, patiently waiting for him to continue.

"She was in intensive care for three days before her little body finally gave up."

Your eyes began to burn. No wonder he was so drained and upset when he came home after that accident. His reluctance to work in pediatrics made more sense. Reliving the pain of losing his sister, his family must've been awful.

"Rosinante was a friend of the family who couldn't have children of his own, so the adoption was quick." his stormy eyes opened slowly falling over you.

He was impressed with himself for making it down that painful path without breaking. You, on the other hand were a crying hiccuping mess. For the first time you really connected and felt Law's emotions, he finally wasn't holding back and even though he didn't cry you could definitely sense his despair and heart break as he spoke.

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