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This wasn't the first time for you to spend the night in Law's room, but it was the first time you were aware of your surroundings. That was following a panic attack that left you frazzled and exhausted. Now you were completely awake taking in the room while he pulled his shirt off and redistributed the pillows on the bed.

His room was tidy, very minimally decorated with more modern neutrally colored furniture. Sleek black night tables flanked the dark queen sized bed. The lamp on the left side was set on the lowest setting filling the room with a soft warm golden light. It smelled like him -  warm woodsy rosemary with a very light touch of lavender.

"There," he murmured, turning the sheets and comforter down.

Your stomach flipped as you moved forward and crawled into the bed facing his side. He turned off the lamp and joined you while your eyes adjusted to the lack of light. You weren't sure what to expect - he didn't make any attempt to touch or cuddle you.

Settling into the mattress he slipped his arm under his pillows and yawned, "What time are we leaving in the morning?"
"I'd like to get to the shop no later than ten. Zoro and Robin will meet us there." you fiddled with the corner of your pillow.
He looked at you very seriously for a moment, "Are you sure you still want me to go? Wasn't it bad luck?"
A small smile tugged at your lips, "I didn't know you were superstitious."
His eyes widened and he quickly blinked, "I wouldn't go that far."
"Sure," you chuckled, "I think like ten generations back it was an old wives tale or something. But now, from what I've seen with my friends and my catering, it's pretty common practice now for the groom to come along. Unless you don't want to come."
He frowned, "I didn't say that. If you want me there then I'm there."
"Good." you yawned.
"Let's get some rest then." Law watched you close your eyes and hum in affirmation.

He didn't know what possessed him to ask you to stay in his room. Maybe it was this, how peaceful you looked all snuggled up in his pillows. Just like you had been when you dozed off on him in the living room. The soft rhythm of your breathing somehow brought him comfort. He was able to relax in a way he hadn't in a very long time.

Sleep wasn't something Law found easily. There was always stress, always work, always memories that tugged him in all directions. Survivor's guilt ate at him most nights.

Where would his sister be?
Would his parents be proud of him?
Would they like you?

How did he feel about you?

"Law." you murmured not bothering to open your eyes.
"Quit staring and go to sleep." there was a playful edge to your tone.
“Shh.” he quickly replied before closing his eyes and sighing quietly.

When he woke the room was still and far too quiet. The space you'd warmed next to him was cold and empty. Sitting up, Law stretched and rubbed his face. For the first time in years he felt well rested. His jaw and shoulders were relaxed. He'd slept deeply through a dreamless night.

The scent of coffee began to filter in as he stood to begin his morning routine. Once finished, he stepped out of his room to meet you in the kitchen. When Law entered you were still in your pajamas with a long knit cardigan that was a couple of sizes too large for you slouched over your shoulders. An easy smile curved his lips as he watched you hum and move around the kitchen.


His voice sent static straight up your spine drawing out a small gasp.

“I didn't hear you come in.” you turned hoping your face didn't look as hot as it felt.
“Sorry,” he murmured, glancing away briefly, “next time I'll announce myself from the other room.”
“Don't be ridiculous,” you handed him his favorite mug with fresh coffee, “I'd just be startled sooner.”
“Suit yourself then.” he chuckled softly, “What are you doing up so early anyway?”
“I thought we should eat a little before we left. I don't know how long this will take.” you moved around him to plate some eggs and sausages.
“We can have lunch after if you want.” he waited for you to sit before sitting himself.

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