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“I didn't know I'd feel relieved after ordering a dress.” you sat across from your fiance at a cozy little bistro you'd picked for lunch.
“I didn't really understand why it was such a big deal until today.” He replied picking up the menu in front of him.
“That hit me at dress number four.” You chuckled, “I feel like you saved the day.”

Law lifted the tri-fold laminate to hide the odd surge of pride he was feeling.

“That's a bit much.” He managed evenly, “All I did was pick something I thought you might like.”
“Well, it is perfect.” You smiled glancing down at the menu.

All of your reactions today had him feeling a bit cocky. He'd been the source of that happiness and Goddamn if that wasn't an addicting high. It was more than that though, part of your elation was the unexpected show of affection in the dressing room. Whatever rare occasion Law touched you was warm and comforting. This small kiss on the forehead was electric. Shivers wiggled down your spine just reflecting on it.

“Do you come here often?” He asked, still perusing the restaurant's offerings.
“I used to when I wasn't burying myself in work. A friend of mine from culinary school owns it.”
He glanced up, interested in this newly offered information, “You went to school with Sanji-ya?”
“Small world it seems. How do you know him?” You asked.
“Through an infuriating acquaintance.” He grimaced.
“Oh, now that sounds interesting.” Your chuckle faded as realization washed over you, “Luffy.”

Law's brows raised, he shouldn't have been surprised. Your cousin hung out with Sanji and Luffy too.

“Smaller world than I thought.” He murmured, “You used to hang out with them?”

You shifted and cleared your throat.

“Something wrong?” He asked, watching your disposition change.
“I mean… to answer your question, kind of? Luffy is Zoro's best friend.”
Law sat forward as it clicked, “The little brother?”

You nodded.

The raven sighed, “Will everything always come back to that guy?”
“I really wish it didn't.” You slouched forward a bit.
“Sorry,” Law reached across the table and hesitated briefly before touching your wrist, “I didn't mean to ruin the mood.”

His hand was so soft and warm, you fought the urge to hold it, opting instead to stay still.

“No, you didn't ruin anything. It's actually something we should talk about.” Your gaze rose from his tattooed fingers just before he pulled away.
“Maybe not in public.” He glanced around, “Let's get back to the issue at hand. What would you recommend ordering?”

He’d found that getting you to talk about something you had passion for usually brightened you right up.

You sat up and flipped the menu between the two of you to show him all of your favorite items. He leaned in resting his chin in his palm, pleased with the mood change.

Soon your orders arrived as the conversation continued comfortably.

“So did you decide on going back to Olympia to look for your suit?”
He nodded, finishing his last bite, “I forgot to tell you, Cora-ya will be coming next weekend to help me.”
“Is he going to stay with us?” Your eyes lit up.
“Well, I assumed he'd stay at a hotel. Our place is small.” He answered appreciating your excitement.

Our place.

The phrase sent a flutter through your chest.

“It's a two bedroom apartment.” You deadpanned moving your napkin from your lap to the table.
“I guess I can take the couch so he can have my room.” He suggested thoughtfully.
You cocked a brow at him, “Is sleeping with me that bad?”
Law’s eyes widened as his face heated up, “I'm sorry?”
“Wai-I -” You covered your face and let out an embarrassed chuckle, “I meant like, if I snored or something.”

A soft laugh rumbled through your fiance's chest as he reached forward to gently move your hands from your face. The amused look on his face had you frozen for a moment.

That smile could end wars.

“You don't snore,” he assured, “I just didn't want to invite myself into your room.”
Your gaze trailed down to your hands resting in his, “I appreciate that. You can stay in mine.”
“Thank you.” He murmured.
“Look at the two of you, charming everyone around you.” A familiar voice chimed as a plate softly clacked against the table.
“Sanji.” You straightened yourself out now that you'd been reminded you were in public.
“I couldn't let my beautiful former study partner leave without her favorite dessert.” He'd placed a small plate of strawberry shortcake between you.
“Awe thank you.” You smiled up at him, “I'll hook you up next time you stop by the bakery.”
“Sanji-ya,” Law nodded toward your friend.
“Tra-guy, it's been a while. I see you're doing well.” Sanji shook his hand.
“Tra-guy?” You echoed.
“You know how Luffy is with names.” The blonde winked at you.
“How's Pudding? I heard about the bed-rest.” You changed the subject, deciding to circle back to Law's nickname when you had him alone.

Sanji's blue eyes sparkled at the mention of his wife. He immediately launched into an update on her pregnancy and gushed so much you almost wished you hadn't asked. You were glad she was well and the bed-rest was just a precaution due to high blood pressure. After the catch up and a few pictures your former classmate excused himself to get back to work.

“I definitely ate too much.” You sighed entering your apartment.
“What should we do with the afternoon?” Law asked removing his shoes and placing them with yours by the door.
“First, stretchy pants.” You suggested.
“And then?” He prompted removing the dark knit sweater he'd had covering the worn black t-shirt he had on underneath.
“I'm fine with whatever you choose Tra-guy~”

His sweater flopped over your head and shoulders as you tried to make a dash for your room.

“Not you too.” He grumbled blithely.
You gasped dramatically and pulled the garment off your head, “That’s abuse.”
“You're ridiculous.” His lips upturned enjoying this playful side of you.
“I could have fallen.” You pushed the sweater against his chest.
“I'm a doctor,” he leaned over you and dropped his voice, “I'd take care of you.”


That silver gaze flitted from your lips to your eyes so quickly you had to have imagined it. His expression was relaxed but there was something there he was holding back. Torn between learning what the consequences would be and being afraid to let you into his world completely - he held his breath.

It was a subtle but bold move. Wanting to match his energy and ride out the high of this tension without taking a move your brain might not be ready for - you gently nuzzled his cheek.

“I know you would.” Your fingertips brushed the sharp line of his jaw.

The rush of cool air that hit him as you stepped back was sobering. He cursed under his breath as you made your way to your room to change. Kissing your forehead earlier in the day suddenly didn't feel as intimate.

Confirming you wanted the affection was like opening the door to a locked room.

Closure: Trafalgar Law X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now