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Since I don't have the drive or motivation to update anything else or finish any of the imagines I've already started, I'm just gonna leave this here for y'all to request certain ships y'all wanna see me write about.

Before y'all go all stoopid and crazy, I just need a few things from y'all first.

- Name of the ship
It can even be poly relationships for those of you who love threesomes 🌚

- Scenario/storyline for your imagine
PLEASE remember to be very clear with what you want. If your idea is too complex you can even PM me if you want, just try not to go too overboard. And remember, you can request cute and fluffy shit too, not just smut because I'm a multi talented queen ☺️ (JK)

Requests go here.
Yes, you can request as many imagines as you'd like, just keep in mind that you have to be patient

QUICK DISCLAIMER: Y'all know I work like four days a week, and I also go through random periods where I lose interest in certain things, and it makes me come off as inconsistent and then I don't update for like three centuries, SO, please try to be patient with me if you request something because I do have a life outside of Wattpad. I can promise that if y'all request something that it will get done, and I'll try my best to get them all done in a timely matter n allaat. Thank you for being understanding, I'll stop rambling now.

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