Chapter 10: What did you just say?

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Peter's POV

When she runs out of the room, my heart shatters, does she really not want to kiss me? Is the thought of kissing me that horrible?

I slowly back up and sit back in my seat, my head low. Everyone takes their turns, except me, because really, there is only one girl I want to kiss.


I start to walk home from school, feeling stupid, I felt stupid for falling for someone who doesn't want to kiss me, who despised me until I saved her, she still might, I felt hopeless, I sigh, she would never fall for someone like me. 

To make me feel a whole lot better, the snow starts to fall, great, just great, just what I needed right now. More snow.

The snow brings an image in my mind, Jasmine, like what was usually on my mind,  walking in the snow, the snowflakes falling into her curly hair, making it more prominent, and her eyes seemed to sparkle as the snow fell, her freckles seemed to stand more out with the reflection of the sun on the snow. I shook my head. I need to get her off my mind, get over her.

I hear an extra couple pairs of shoes crunching behind me in the snow, I take a look behind, ugh great, it was Liam and his phony friends.

"Hey, Cameron! How's it going?" Liam said running up right next to me, he is such a jerk.

"Fine," I say coldly, like my mood.

"I see you staring at that new girl, Jasmine right? She's so obnoxious, she needs to leave the men to be the star student." Liam says evilly laughing.

I spin around in front of him, stopping him in is tracks. I am a few inches taller than him, I'm not afraid of him or his friends.

"What?" I say anger rising.

"You heard me, she needs to not raise her hand or be the star student, she's a girl, all she has to do is bake and stay home, plus, she's totally ugly, her whole family is," Liam said giving me a hard stare.

"What did you just say?" I say getting angrier and angrier by the second.

Liam tries to seem taller, doesn't work. "You heard me, Cameron, she's ugly, plain and simple."

"Take it back!" I yell taking him to the ground, he's throwing punches, and so am I, but I am winning, anger taking over me, hitting every punch for Jasmine, I need to make sure he knows that if she talks about her that way again, he'll be sorry.

I shove his head into the ground, not too hard, but enough for him to get the point. I throw another punch and get up, he is still on the ground, scared out of his mind. He's not worth it to have a real fight.

"If you ever talk like that about her again you'll regret it!" I say and then storm away.


I am walking by their house, I look in longingly, I need to get over her, why have false hope. 

I smile, and slowly start walking to my house, my lip is throbbing and so is my head.

But I did it for her. So much for getting over her.


Jasmine's POV

I run home crying, ugh I hate this feeling, guilt, sorrow, everything tossed around my head I run inside and pull myself together, why am I crying when this doesn't even affect him? He's probably happy I left.

Jacob is not far behind me. 

"Jasmine, what was that? Why did you run away?" Jacob says out of breath.

I let out another tear. " I- I don't know, I know he doesn't want to kiss me, and I don't want my first kiss to be by someone who doesn't want to kiss me."

He scoffs. "Are you kidding me Jas? Have you seen the way he looks at you? He looks at you like your his whole world. Of course, he wanted to kiss you."

I look at him surprised. He says nothing else and walks up to his room, I stay there, in the kitchen stunned. 

Does he really look at me like that?


After dinner I go up to my room, I get undressed and sit by my chair by my window. I look out at the dark night alluminated by stars. Did he really look at me like I'm his whole world?


I cross my arms on the windowsill and rest my head on them. I look out. Thinking about what I did today. No, I can't think about him, besides, he would never fall for someone like me, and I'm not completely sure I forgive him, harsh I know.

I feel myself drifting, my hair blowing slightly from the open window, I am surprised how fall quickly became winter. The cold air taking me into the wonderful world of sleep.

Hey guys! This chapter is certainly.... interesting... what do you think is gonna happen?

<3 Cheyenne

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