Chapter 6: Peter's happiness

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Peter's POV

(From the Last Chapter)

I am woken by the smell of smoke, at first I freak out thinking our house is on fire,  but it's not my house. It freaked me out even more because my whole family, my father, mother, and older sister went to Charlottetown to meet with Mr. Adam Crowsley, who wants to marry my sister, I respectfully declined to go and insisted on going to school.

I get out of bed and walk to my window, a blaze of fire is all I see lead by a spiral of smoke going to the sky, the fire is about two miles away from the school, which only means one thing.

Either Rosealine or Lizzie's house is on fire.

The cool breeze from my open window is cold on my bare chest, I go and quickly put a shirt and my coat on, while also getting my socks and boots on and I put long pants on,  put my hat on as I run out the door.

I go out to the barn and grab a couple of buckets and my ladder, I run to the houses, curly hair tangled from the sudden awakening flowing in the wind as I run to the houses.


When I arrive, both of their houses are on fire, I look to around, I see all of Rosealine's family, but I don't know Lizzie's family too well, I quickly hand the buckets to a boy who was filling them with water, I put the ladder up to the house and boy's start handing me buckets of water, I am throwing them into a girls room. 

I look down to grab the bucket and see Jasmine, curly hair messier than ever flowing in the breeze, the light of the fire is lighting up her face, her blue eyes glistening. I shake my head.

Focus Peter.

I grab the bucket and continue to throw water into the room. Someone screams "Ezra!"

The next thing I know I hear screaming, screaming for her, Jasmine.

I see a figure run down the hall of the house, I see a glimpse of curly hair and know who it is.

"Jasmine?" I say confused and worried about why she was in a burning house.

She comes back with ash on her beautiful cheeks. She looks at the window and open door. She nods, I am still confused and really worried, I wanted to scream 'get out of there!" But she left before I had the chance, she shut the door and puts something on the crack so no air gets in, I think fast and also shut the window, I assume she thinks this helps.

I see the roof start to break, I look frantically on the ground for Jasmine, but I can't see from the top of the ladder, before I could look more, the roof really starts to break, for my own safety and of the other boys also on the ladder I instruct everyone to go down. 

When we are all almost down the ground, the roof collapses, everyone gasps.

I am still looking for Jasmine in the crowd when Jacob runs up to me, frantic, he is holding a little boy in his arms and is talking really fast.

"Woah Woah Woah, dude, what?" I say trying to calm him. Then it hits me.


I run before anyone can say anything, I don't think, don't feel, Jasmine is my happiness, whenever I'm around her, even for the past couple of days, she has made me so happy. If she dies, I don't know how to go on. 

I know and feel exactly where she is in my heart, I run to the front entrance of the house and quickly throw wood pieces off of her.

When I see her, my heart sinks. Is she ok? Is she hurt? Does she need air? Water? Does she need... me? Is she dead?

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