Chapter 2: Introductions

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Me and Jacob walk in,  we step into a coat room and straight ahead was the chalkboard, on the left side was the girl's rows and on the right side was the boys. We stand side by side watching everyone greet each other and converse with each other. This girl with beautiful wavy black hair, hazel eyes, a pink dress and a bow in her hair to match comes up to us smiling.

"Hello, I'm Diane Mayers, you two must be new here, what are your names?" She asks continuing to smile.

"I am Jasmine Rockwell, it's a pleasure to meet you," I say also smiling.

"And I am Jacob Rockwell," Jacob says taking off his hat like a gentleman. "We're twins." He is staring at Diane very intensely.

I know my brother too well, and I know he already likes Diane.

Diane giggles "I could tell, you look a lot alike, when did you guys move here?"

"We just moved from Toronto, about two weeks ago, we're just settling in," I state.

Diane looks even happier "Oh how lovely! I have been to Toronto a few times, it's very big, but beautiful, oh and if you need any help settling in or learning about Saint John just ask me."

Jacob somehow gets out of his trance "That would be lovely! The learning about Saint John I mean."

Diane smiles. She then looks back to the girl's rows. "Jasmine, would you like to sit by me? My former desk partner moved, so you can if you want."

I look at the rows. "That would be splendid! Thank you!"

Jacob and I put up our hats and walk into the bigger room full of chatter. I follow Diane and set my stuff down, Diane is sitting by the window while I sit by the outside of the row. I look over to Jacob, he is sitting on the row across from me, I notice a tall boy staring at me, 'he must be Jacobs sitting buddy' I think. 

Jacob is already becoming popular, every boy talking to him.

"Would you like me to introduce you to everyone?" Diane says stepping in front of me.

I smile "Sure."

She leads me to a  group of girls at the front of the classroom. One has red hair, two blond, and one brunette.

"This is Lili Johnson, (pointing to the redhead) and Chloe Snyer's, (one of the blonds) and Lizzie Bayers, (the other blond) and Rosealine Andrews, (pointing to the brunette) everyone," Diane puts her hand on my arm, "This is Jasmine." 

"Hello." Says Chloe

"Nice to meet you." Say's Rosealine.

"Hi," Lizzie Says.

"When did you move here," Lili says with an eyebrow raise.

"Hello everyone and about two weeks ago," I say smiling even though Lili is giving me a cold stare.

"Are you going to get a new dress soon, I see you need one," Lili says looking at my dress and giving a very cold smile.

I am shocked and don't speak. "Um..."

"How about I let you meet some of the boys?" Diane says giving a 'what was that' stare to Lili before grabbing my hand and leading me to the group of boys.

She taps on the tall boy who was staring at me earlier. "Jasmine this is Peter Cameron." She says once he turns around.

Peter is tall, has curly blond hair, green eyes and a killer smirk, it was an understatement to say he was handsome. He made me take my breath away. I made sure he didn't notice.

"Pleasure to meet you Jasmine, I knew you an Jacob were twins when I first saw you." He says looking at me up and down and smirking. Weird but ok.

"Yep," I say smiling, "but he always brags how he is two minutes older."

Peter laughs. He then continues to stare at me "Your funny Jas."

"Ok class to your seats!" The teacher says sitting down at his desk at the front of the room.

Me and Peter are both on the outside of the rows, so he is in clear eyesight.

I fold my hands, eager to learn everything. I look over to Peter, he is staring at me, once he knows I see him looking he continues to smile and then looks back at the board.

This is going to be an interesting year.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I probably will be posting often, so the drama will come!

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