Chapter 1: A new home

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I run down the stairs for my first day at a new school in a new home, tieing the back of my apron, this town is nothing like Toronto, Saint John is smaller, whimsical, and had so much more ideas for stories and dreams, I had decided I was going to like it here.

When I am downstairs I find my twin brother, Jacob already reading a book called "The Tree's in New Brunswick" and was eating his oatmeal with big bites, he had a striped blue shirt and calf high pants with socks that go up to his calf and new boots. My mother comes to me with a bowl of oatmeal.

"Good morning dear, it is a very big day, wash up and start to eat." She says handing me the bowl and continues to sweep, I wash up and sit down to start to eat. We really had to pool our harvest money to get us kids to go to school, so I am wearing a lavender dress, which was my mothers, an old apron, white tights and my mother's old boots that have mud on the bottom of them, so I was sure I wasn't going to have the same clothes as the other girls in our class, but who cares right? Not me.

I continue to eat, I swallow and smirk at my brother. "I see you're already hitting the books."

He smirks back " You know it." He says and then goes back to his book.

"I am so nervous Momma!" My little sister May says, blond hair bouncing as she walks down the stairs.

"You'll be fine honey." My mother says still sweeping.

I can tell she is still nervous. I put my hand on her forearm. "Don't be, it's not that bad, you'll make a lot of friends I'm sure," I say smiling and then continuing to eat.

She smiles back and starts to eat some toast.

"Ok kids! Off to school, you don't wanna be late!" Mother says grabbing our books.

We all get up, get our books, kiss mother goodbye then start on the path to school.

May couldn't stop asking questions. She asked about the tree's ,the sky, the flowers, the birds, what lower school was like, how to do division and so on. I, of course, answer all of her questions while Jacob stays quiet, observing the trees that seem to guide us to our new school.

"Is everything ok Jacob?" I ask noticing how much taller he was than me. Lucky.

He has a smirk on his face, he looks down at me. "Just remembering what it was like to be curious about the big world." He says looking back to the trees. Beautiful words, Jacob.

We finally get out of the capricious forest to see the most delightful little school I have ever seen, it was white with a new layer of paint and was surrounded by bushes and even a little stream for our milk. It was very appealing to the eyes. 

We get up the hill and go to the stream, we put all of our milk in the stream and walk towards the front of the school. We all stand there watching people go in, I feel butterflies storming around in my stomach, and I'm sure that Jacob feels the same.

After a minute May says " Well see you guys after school!" She runs to the back of the building where the lower school was.

I look up at Jacob. "Ready?" 

He looks down at me, he looks just a nervous as I am. "Yep." 

We look back at the school. I take in a breath. This is it.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of this story. It is set around 1890 (fyi)

I will make the next chapter in a little bit!

What do you think is gonna happen?  (btw the main character's name is Jasmine)


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