Chapter 4: A confession

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"This has to be the worst first day ever!" I say as I stomp madly to the coat room with Diane following me, the class just ended and I have never been more humiliated in my life.

"He was just trying to get your attention you know," Diane says remaining calm even though I am frustrated.

"I don't care! He was no gentleman!" I say putting on my hat quite dramatically. I let out a big sigh. "Why me? I'm just the new girl!" I say running outside to get my milk,  Diane follows me.

I grab my milk and so does Diane. I feel bad for letting out my frustration on her. I turn to her.

"I'm sorry I took my frustration on you, Diane, I'm just mad at Pet- that boy," I say looking at her.

She smiles "It's ok, I would be kinda frustrated too."

I smile. Until I see him. Peter. Walking toward us looking like he had been rehearsing what he is going to say to me all day.

I frown.

He steps up beside Diane. He looks at me than Diane smiling.

"Hello, Diane how are you today?" He says, acting smug again, ugh.

"Very well, and you?" Diane says smiling back.

"Good, thank you." He says looking back at me.

We stand there staring at each other I have pure hatred in my eyes and he has concern and guilt in his eyes.

After a few seconds Diane speaks up "Well, I'm going to start home, leave you guys to chat, catch up with me when your done Jasmine, good day Peter." She says smiling.

"Good day ma'am,"  Peter says tipping his hat.

After that Diane walks off. We live around the same area I learn so Diane said we could walk to and from school together.

"So... " Peter says facing me after Diane was gone.

I say nothing, you could see the dislike for him in my eyes.

"Look, Jasmine I wanted to say I'm sorry for pulling your hair and calling you freckles, that wasn't very gentleman of me, and my father taught me better, I did it because, because," he stops and rubs his neck trying to find the words. "Because I wanted you to notice me, so what do you say Jasmine? Will you forgive me? Please forgive me." He says, his eyes pleading.

I am unmoved. "Thank you for your apology  Peter, but I am afraid I can't forgive you right now, first impressions are lasting impressions you know, and if your father taught you better why did you do it still?" I say anger still in me.

He looks sad and upset. " Look I am aware my actions were not gentleman like at all, but can't you find it in your heart to forgive me? I am truly sorry." He said trying to persuade me.

I raise my head high and leave my frown there. "No, I cannot. Good day."  I walk away with my head held high and my heart unmoved. I may find it in my heart to forgive Peter one day, but that day is not today.

I catch up to Diane and tell her the whole conversation.

"Wow," she says amazement spreading on her face. "He had never apologized to a girl before, and he also has never done anything as extreme as he did today, he must like you," Diane says moving her eyebrows up and down.

I cannot believe she just said that. "Diane Mayers you take that back right now! He doesn't like me nor I him." I say with pride.

"Mmmhmmm." She says acting like a know-it-all.

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