Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

<Harry's POV>

"What are you doing here?" I asked while watching Louis still sleep in my arms. "I'll call you back. Thank you." My mother muttered into the phone.

"Harry baby, you're awake. How lovely. How are you dear? Feeling better?" I could tell half of her didn't really care. Half of her always didn't care. I actually thought that in the last few months maybe she did but I guess we're back into the same old routines.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I couldn't take my eyes off Louis. He looked so peaceful and angelic snuggled up to my chest with the tiniest smile lurking his face.

"He's there isn't he?" My mum asked in a term of sadness.

"Yeah." I whispered while my voice cracked and the tears started to well up. "I'm afraid to lose him mum. I love him to death. I can't stand the thought of not having him next to me when I wake up from surgery. I can't- I just- no. What if I die? What if I live? It's all so fu*king confusing." The tears that left my dull eyes were now rivers, dripping into Louis' hair. "I love you so much." I whisper pressing a kiss into Louis' hair which causes him to wake up. "Harry?" He wavered unsure of what was going on. When his eyes landed on me he snapped awake. "Harry, love what's wrong? Why are you crying? Please don't cry. Please." He began worrying. I reached out for his shoulder and he sunk back down into a sitting position with a tears slipping out of his eye. "I'm fine baby okay? I don't want you to worry or cry for me alright? I'm okay. C'mere baby."

He snuggled into my neck and I felt his wet tears fall. I pulled him away from me and gently brushed away his tears with the pads of my thumbs as he sniffled. "Everything is okay. It's just going to be me and you today. We're going to spend all day in this room and then I think we get to leave?" I asked looking towards my mother who was trying not to cry while watching the scene fold out in front of her.

"Sweetie, I talked to the nurse and doctors, and they said that today you will do nothing because they want your brain to have more rest before operation which will take place tomorrow afternoon. I also just got off the phone with Liam and Niall. They've been worried sick. You haven't seen them since the accident? Anyway, they're going to drop by today to see you."

"Mum, I have talked to them since the accident. Just only in school. I don't really hang out with people. Other than Louis." I state sadly. "But I already told them about Lou. I even introduced them to him but as you said, they can't see him so there's another couple people who think I'm insane."

"They don't think that Harry. They want to see you. Quit your blubbering, they will be here at 3."

I look up on the right hand wall above the window and see that it's already 2:30. "Did we sleep that long?"       "Yeah."

"Well mum seeing as I have to socialize with more people than I'm used to in one day, can Louis and I have the next half hour together, alone, before they get here?"

"Sure." She mumbled while leaving.

"Why do you act strange in front of your mum?" Louis peeped staring up at me.

"It's a long complicated story to get into. Plus it's all past anyway."

"But Haz, I want to know your past. I want to know every detail of you. I want to know what has happened in your life and one day I will tell you my life."

"Let's make a deal Lou."


"Okay. If I live through this operation and you are still with me. Which I hope to fu^king God you are. Then I will tell you all about my past."

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