Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

<Harry's POV>

"I I don't get it. Tell me. Someone tell me what is wrong."

"Harry. You um."

"I what? Dear to God what?"

Mr. Malik fliches back slightly. A pained look etched acros his shadowed face.

"Harry. You have a brain tumor. A quite large one at that."

"Wh- What does that mean?"

"Harry it means you need surgery to remove it. I'm just worried for you."

"Why? Will I die? Could I die from this?"

I hear my mum give a whimper. I sigh and look at the screen. Now I see it. That's what that big black dot was.

"Listen Harry the possibility is always there but you're at a high class hospital with trained brain surgeons. It's just. There's something we need to tell you."

Mr. Malik helps my mother off the ground and they gently set me on the couch.

"Harry. Louis isn't real."

"Is this some kind of sick joke? It' s quite obvious he's real. I can see, touch, talk and smell him. He's real. Are you just playing me? Is this it?"

"Harry, no." My mother joined. "We would never play games on you but baby, we were never able to see him or hear him for that matter."

My breathing is a bit hard while my tears still stream steadily down my red face. "He is real. We fu*king had sex. That's how I know he's real. I know he's real because he's the most kind, gentle, funny, courageous, smart and loving guy I know. He's my boyfriend. We stay up late at night talking. He's real. I know it."

"I heard him. Harry, I went to your room to tell you the pizza was there and I could swear I heard someone else's voice. Louis'. My baby. I'm so sorry." My mother sobs trying to hug me but I flinch away and a look of absolute hurt spreads across her face.

"Harry please understand that this is quite a rare thing that is happening. You're having hallucinations. And that is Louis. Louis isn't really there. Your mind has made him up. Completely and you're attached. It isn't Louis. It's your tumor." Mr. Malik speaks more while I cover my ears one step from screaming at the top of my lungs but I manage to keep everything in. My head is hurting now more than ever. Pounding harder against my skull. Trying to escape. Throbbing.

My hypervenelating and shock cause me to go dizzy. My mum comes to me for another hug but I jump from the touch and run out the door. Taking a sharp right turn out of the room, I trip on one of the wheel chairs that was left in the hall. I hit my head hard enough to see a pool of blood but I can't feel anyting. But it turns black. The whole world. Black. Silent. Numb. Just as I had escaped I've been pulled back under by my demon's spell and I am cursed again.

<Louis' POV>

I'm sitting by Harry's hospital bed. Holding his big, cold, pale hand while looking out the yellow french doors that lead out to the balcony. I stare at him once more. The man I love. Broken. Sad. It was my job to help him, and I have but now I'm back to square one it seems. He tried to kill himself again? 

I'm not giving up though because even though I'm supposed to take care of him and help him, I fell in love in the process. I love this boy to death. He is my light. I never thought I would have someone I care so much for.

I kiss the back of his hand, then his lips and his forehead.

"Hazzy. Please wake up baby. I need you. I even have a surprise for you....I'm nervous to give it to you though. I might have to wait." I smile sadly to his face. "You'll think it's too early but I don't. I love you and need you now more than ever and I know you're the same way baby."

I hear the sound of the door open and shut. I turn to see Anne walking towards me.

"H-Hi Louis."               "Hi Mrs. Styles." She doesn't respond.

She walks to the other side of the bed, sitting across from me, taking Harry's left hand in her right. She lets out a big sigh before she continues talking.

"You may already know this but you make Harry happy. Just the way he talks about you. His eyes just light up. He's been through some really rough times Louis. Whether he has told you or not I know you'll be there for him. And no I'm not going to tell you what I mean because if he wants to tell you his past then that's up to him. I just want you to not give up on Harry. You see, he has a brain tumor and we think it's causing him to have hallucinations. You. I can't see you and I've only heard you speak once. We're worried that when his tumor is gone, so will you and that's most likely going to be what happens. Just don't. Just don't leave my baby like this." She cries.

Sh!t. A brain tumor? Surgery? My baby.

I have one mission and one mission only. For the sake of both me and Mrs. Styles. To keep Harry alive. And I know just what to do.


Author's Note

Sorry there have been shorter chapters. I'm trying to make more because the book is ending soon.

The book is heading in the right direction and sadly there isn't quite as much detail as I would like there to be but there isn't much I can do about that. I just want to get to the point quickly.

I'm also sorry for the delay of the last two chapters. I was in Florida and I had a crap ton of homework to do when I came back and I still have homework left to do. I literally have 2 F's and 1 C because of missing work and late tests.

I hate school right now. But I love writing so I do it instead. Bye!

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