Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

<Anne's POV>

"So what's wrong with my son?"  I asked from my seat on the leather black couch.

"It's quite interesting I must say. He would describe their dates and every conversation in detail. I even asked to see some of his texting conversations with Louis and they were real. I don't know how this is happening but it is. He did happen to tell me that he was having quite the head ache."

"Yeah I gave him some medicine after school. His head  was still hurting?"

"Yeah. I gave him medicine as well, just so you know to hold off on giving him some because it is bad if he has too much medicine. I also asked him next time to invite Louis over at the end of his next session."

"Why? You won't be able to see him anyway."

"Just to see how Harry interacts with him. But I am starting to think."


"I have a theroy on Harry's head pains."

"Do you think there's a way to make them go away? Because he's been coming to me every night for the past week complaining about it and it hurts me to see him in so much pain. I would do anything to help him. Sorry, I'm rambling. What's your theory?"

"Well he had told me that he gets a dull ache during school and when he gets home it starts into a regular headache then at night it's at his worst where it's a 9 on his pain scale. Which judging by how he describes it, it should most definately be a 10. But I have a theory on this. He told me he trie to text Louis during lunch but Louis tells him he should focus on his school work, which explains the dull ache. Then when he gets home he says he wants to talk to Louis more but Louis says he should do his homework first, which explains the regular headache. And lastly at night he told me they sometimes they go on a date and sometimes they talk for the longest ammount of time and he says that his head doesn't bother him then but after they talk is when he really feels it."

"Um. I get that you're a therapist and everything but I don't really understand what you're getting at here."

"M'am. I'll water it down. Harry gets his headaches when he thinks of Louis. When he's with or talking to Louis his headache goes away. Louis has an effect on Harry's mind and if he's having all this pain from not being able to talk to him, then there is a problem. I suggest taking him back to the hospital. Just tell him it's for a check up. We'll get a brain scan on him and figure out what's going on. "

"Okay, that sounds good. Will you be joining us?"

"Yes. It counts as one of his sessions and I know the brain surgeon there. It'll be a good way to discuss while we're there. But his test results will be in the next day, so we won't be able to talk about his results right away."

"Alright that seems perfectly fine."

"I'll walk you out Mrs. Styles."

We head out down the hall and to the lobby only to find that Harry is not in sight. I looked at Mr. Malik who was looking back at me with curiousity. I walked to the front desk.

"Hi, do you know where Harry Styles went?"

"I don't keep track of patients whereabouts." She sassed while popping her gum obnoxiously. If I didn't have good manners I would've back handed her right there.

"Tall, brown curls, greenish blue eyes. Ring a bell?"

"Hmm maybe, maybe not."

"Rose. Don't make me get you fired. You know I will. This is no way to be acting towards our patients, especially their parents. Now tell us where he went." Mr. Malik spoke in a threating tone making Rose go stiff.

She sighed. " To be quite honest with you I don't really know, I was busy helping people over the phone schedule their appointments. But I might've seen someone like him out of the corner of my eye go out the door there." She gestured to the front door.

I went out the front door and Mr. Malik followed.

We looked down at the crowd of people walking by realizing that Harry was sitting on one of the steps with his head to the side talking.

I carefully walked down to where Harry was. "Hey Harry. Why are you out here? It's starting to rain."

"I'm sorry mum, it's just that Louis and I always meet up after my appointments and I haven't spent time with him since a day ago." He stood up with his hand slightly out from his thigh. They're holding hands.

"Mr. Malik, this is Louis. Louis that's Mr. Malik."  Harry gestured smiling at the empty space beside him.

"It's nice to meet you Louis. Harry has told me SO much about you." He smiled and Harry looked at his feet blushing.

"We must be going Harry. I'll give you two a moment alone to say goodbye."

"Actually mum. I was gonna ask if Louis could spend the night? I know it's last minute and it's a school night but we'll go to bed early I promise." Harry begged while jutting out his bottom lip and batting his eyelashes. No one can say no when Harry does that.

"Okay he can spend the night." I turned to say goodbye to Mr. Malik when he pulled me aside to talk to me.

"I think you made the right decision on letting Louis spend the night. It'll help Harry's head for the night. Check up on the from time to time. Not too often cause then he'll get suspicious. But  let them have their alone time okay? I wil see you at the doctor's office on Thursday. Have a goodnight Mrs. Styles. See you later boys. Have a good night." He called waving to Harry and the space he calls his friend. Or I guess boyfriend really.


Hey, hope you enjoyed that chapter. I know it's not that long.

In my defence I tried to write this chapter 2 times and my computer logged out of my internet leaving me with unsaved work.

I know it's shorter and it's going to have to be that way. I don't intend for it to be too short but I want there to be more parts.

I'm starting school on Wednesday. I'm going to be a Junior yayy! But there is a bad side. 

I'm in two honors classes. Honors English 11 and Honors Algerbra 2. I'm still thinking about taking Honors Chemistry as well but I'm not sure. This means I will be updating less often.

I admit, I'm a lazy person. It took me roughly a week or so to make a new chapter and I haven't even started school yet. I wouldn't say I'm a lazy writer though. I have to be in the creative mindset to write and create a story.

I'm thinking about starting to update once a month maybe. I'll probably have two more chapters out before I decide to do that. But I really need to focus on school and ACT's and SAT's. There's a lot of testing for Juniors and I still have to get my permit.

Trust me though I will try my absolute best to update often. Like I said if not often then for sure once a month. And come Christmas break I'll update. I'm not sure about Spring Break, I should be able to but I'm going to Chicago then and sometime next month maybe I'll be going to Florida so it might be tough to update then.

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My Sunshine (Larry AU) CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt