Hanamaru Kunikida x Candidate in library Reader

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Cussing intended guys, fuck it.
I'm changing the way I write and stuff but it's not because I wanna improve, My intention right now is to keep this oneshots writing going but I might stop soon after all.

I found editing videos and pictures easily but I hope I do find my inspiration in writing, I'm planning to change myself-

Just kidding

Your povs

Early in the morning, the sky is mostly cloudy you were walking on the road to school alone. You barely see some students going to school this early like 5 AM, so you were alone for now although you're not really a loner.

You reached the gate and gladly it was opened before you walk in you look around if there was some other students that makes their way toward the gate, then you heard a noise like bushes but you saw no one when you look at the grasses.

Being the dense as you are when it looks like there was a yellow haired girl in there, you shrugged it off and enter the school.

Hanamaru's povs

I was walking to school today and not to mention this early, I actually sleep way too early yesterday so I didn't notice that I sleep too much although I didn't mind so now I'm just planning to go to the library knowing that no one must have go to school this early after all.

Though when I almost reach the school gate, I spotted someone familiar.

"Y/n-chan zura?!" I whispered to myself then when the girl mentioned that's about to looked around, I quickly hide into the bushes.

Luckily the girl didn't see me so she walked in, I sighed in relief after seeing her gone. 'Though I didn't know that she would be here this early..' I though alone then walked inside the gate as well. I was walking to the classroom but I made my footstep quietly like a spy then I peeked in to look at how Y/n is doing.

She was just reading a book alone and quiet, my eyes sparkled at how calm she can be and how she looks so matured, her h/c flowing as the wind passes by from the window she gently put it behind her ear.

Until my clumsy self trip a bit.

Your povs

I was reading a book while waiting for some students to walk in then the air made my hair flew a bit until I struck them behind my ear, I keep smiling at the thought of the story. Every story is amazing and unique that you never heard of, I just wished I can be there when it happens sometimes.

Then while thinking about that I heard some sound like someone fell but when I looked around, I saw no one.

So I shrugged and read for the whole time until some students walked in but I noticed a yellow haired girl sitting in the side while she was looking at me.

'Have she been here for the whole time?' I though.

Hanamaru's povs

When I fell I noticed that y/n didn't notice or see me so I just stood up and walked to the library to borrow some book, "Invisible zura?" I looked at the book that I just grab from the stock. "This look interesting I guess.. " I muttered alone.

I walked back to the classroom and I saw some students who's about to walk in so I immediately sit on on the side, As always Y/n didn't notice.

I sighed as I tried to avoid looking at her until she looked back at me, I blushed red and look away.

It was impossible for me to try not to peek and look at her but I tried to read the book as I flipped the pages, "Happy ending?..  I don't think so" I read some parts of the chapter.

As I was reading the book the class started without me knowing but not even my teacher noticed me so I ignored it, then the class finished.

Ruby and Yoshiko walked to me, "Hey hanamaru-chan, you haven't been listening again aren't you?" Ruby asked with concerns.

I only blink at her words for a moment and smiled, "No I was listening so don't worry, Ruby-chan zura" then we stood up and made our way to the rooftop.

I notice that Y/n was there, she was a friend of Dia, Kanan and Mari after all...


"By the way~" Mari said as the others sit down tiredly but with Dia and Kanan standing with her.

"We have a new guest!" She continued and the others were curious.

A H/C with H/L haired girl entered, "Y/n!" Dia exclaimed as she hug the mentioned girl.

"Arra Dia is being bold today huh?" Y/n said with a smirk until Dia blushes then pulls away.

"She's our friend." Kanan said, "And our Fan!~"

Dia only sighed but smiled to the new girl

"I'm Y/n L/n, it's nice to see the Aquors personally I'm a fan of yours and I dreamed of being a idol too!" The girl smiled

My eyes were sparkling while staring to the girl, "She looks so pretty zura!" I exclaimed.

Y/n only chuckled that time, she didn't talk to me after all as if I was just Invisible.

Flashback finished.

I only look down while changing my uniform to practice clothes, then I noticed someone who walked up to me then I look at her. My eyes widened when it was the only person who doesn't see me every single time I was there..

"Hey Hanamaru... " Y/n called while she was staring at me, "I'm sorry if I look like I can't see you.. " she avert her gaze..

"It's okay zura!" I reassured happily because it's the first time that she talked to me, "I'm a big fan of yours actually.. " Y/n muttered then my face turned to more redder.

"It's not like you were invisibe, I just wanna avoid from fangirling infront of you.. it's embarrassing.. " Y/n continued and I chuckled.

I pulled her into a hug, "It's okay if you fangirl, it's cute and besides I'm also fangirling when you're around zura.. "

"Because I love you" After those word I kissed her cheek.

The end.

Yeah the reference is from a song. I ain't making a story about the song I jist wanna REFERENCE it ok!

well byeee to the next one shot, ugh.

Forget the CANDIDATE thing guys I'm sleepy.

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