Riko Sakurauchi x Candidate Reader (Part 3)

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Random POV

During the class the H/C girl started spacing out on her own world while she did not even notice a girl have been glancing at her, the girl beside her seems to take attention of her. Thinking that the new girl beside her is familiar and she know her but she couldn't put her finger in so she just give it up and give it a rest and she listened but she keeps glancing at her. Then the H/C suddenly turns her head to the other side.

Your POV

Putting your chin in your palm, you stared through the window and spaces out then the same dream you had came to your mind. That girl that your called first love and you made a promised with her so you came back to search for her. Then suddenly you felt something like you're getting stared at so you turn your head to the side beside your desk on the right and your E/C met with a yellowish eyes staring at you. The girl blinks and blushed red then quickly looks away, also blinking you took your attention to her familiar clip on her red-brownish hair.

'Wait isn't tha-' before you continue your thoughts, the teacher called you out and you suddenly look at her then she made you answer a hard math question (A/N : AND THE AUTHOR IS LAZY TO INSERT ONE) . Sighing in frustration after she scolded you for not listening but you answered it correct you sat back down on your chair, hearing the girl beside you giggled.

You look at her and your eyes twitches then she stops and cover her mouth.

'Agh, you're cute but you're such a meanie.. ' your thoughts got you and your cheeks suddenly become red.

What are you even thinking?.

After class (TimeSkip)

You walk to the music room and you look at the piano there then you quickly look around. You smiled as you know the area is empty, you slowly walk to it and you presses one of the tile. The sound is unusual and it's kinda calming, you smiled and sit then you played calmly than usual.

'The melody that I'm looking for'

Then your eyes opened up when you heard the door slides and you quickly look at it, the same girl who sit beside you is standing on the door and with the familiar clip she have you finally had a clear look on her. Your eyes starting to get teary and you slowly stand then you walk to her.

'No, this must be a dream again and this won't work to trick me anymore'

Your thoughts stop you from getting closer and she look at you while blinking.

"Umm hello.. " she said and she smiled nervously then you smiled back a bit.

You know you just had to shut your mouth and you waited for the time that you wake up. You suddenly pinch your cheek and the girl infront of you blinks, looking at you weirdly.

then you smiled but in a panicked mixed feelings with happiness..

you look at her as she titled her head confused and you stared at her for a minute then you two suddenly started a staring challenge.

Neither both of you speak until you heard her chuckled, you could feel your cheeks warmth just by the sound of her soft chuckles and you admit that you're so weird of just getting embarrass by her voice.

But you both stayed silent after she stopped then stares back again, it was incredibly awkward and she suddenly blink while a voices called out for her.

"Riko-chan" then the door behind her opened revealing a two of her called friends, you almost though how you were burning with jealousy and it feels like someone just put you on a gas and in other words on a fire.

she smiled as she look at them especially at the gray haired girl with oceanic eyes and you stared at her blankly then before she walks to them, she waves at you as in a gesture of goodbye.

You nodded and mumbled "Good-bye Riko-chan"

After the three of them walk out, you stared at nothing and shared a contact with the floor with your feet.

(AN: Sorry whut?)

Shrugging it off, you also walk out of the music room and you walk to your home. You didn't even notice her though, a person was staring at you.

Who could it be?

The night of contest

You we're who take too not long creating random melodies and you just played as usual then again after the others, a girl walk to the stage with a pink dress while observing the girl. Your eyes widened.

She made a contact eyes with you first before she calmly close her eyes then played the tiles.

With the melody and sound she have found, you're just watching and your surprised look is like..

'I can't reach that food'

(Sorry wtf? ok just kidding HAHAHHAA)

'i can't be that good.. ' You though as you listened and watched her.

That until you didn't realize she finished and she walk to you.

"Y/n... " she called out and you suddenly got startled, you look at her and she suddenly stared.

"I lose before right?..  and now you lose but that makes us even" she smiled and your eyes widened.

"We're the winners"

(too boring i know even i did many parts agh)

The end

my mind is at loose

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