End: Touch Me

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Well ladies and gents, it's here.
This is for all you folks who wanted smut so badly.

Currently, Junhao and Minghao were sitting side by side on the sofa: the same location that they had tried to get freaky at before they were interrupted by the cock blockers, previously. They snuggled tightly, watching an old favorite film from their childhood. The two sharing the same feelings; the ones that never left all those years ago.

Earlier that day Minghao had decided to cause Junhui a sense of madness. The boy managed to do this by basically showing his ass to Junhui with those tightly fitted shorts he wore. They way he walked in them sent Junhui over the barrel. It was almost like Minghao wanted chaos.

Junhui had his arm around Minghao's  frame and he made sure to hold him closely whilst Minghao leaned against his chest. Jun's hand circling little patterns on Minghao's exposed thigh. Junhui teased Minghao by running his middle and index finger under his flimsy short shorts. Every couple of seconds threatening to move his fingers higher before pulling away.

If there would be a time for them to skip the netflix and chill part and just have sex, then now would be the best time to just have sex. Which is what Junhui took the opportunity in trying to initiate.

He decided to move slowly, this would be not only Minghao's but also his first time. Having said that, this did not mean that Junhui had no idea of what he was going to do. No. He had a plan.

Junhui began to slide his entire hand under the shorts and massage at Minghao's skin, softly. Minghao shivered in delight and huffed at the dirty thoughts he had caught glimpse of. Jun pinched the inner side of Minghao's thigh and gave it a light snack when he whimpered.

"H-hey, what's your hand doing?" Minghao stuttered with his face a bright red. Junhui simply smirked and turned his face away, keeping his hand inbetween Minghao's legs.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, baby. You're going to have to be more specific." Junhui fixated his gaze on the television whilst his hand continued to explore.

Jun rubbed at Minghao's thighs for a moment longer before he placed his hand directly onto Minghao's slightly erect dick.

"J-jun! Your hand is uh..." Minghao exclaimed. He tried containing himself as much as he could but that didn't prove to be a helpful skill. He couldn't stop thinking about what they could possibly do right now. They could 'do the deed.' 'Seal the deal.' Fuck. Finally and most importantly, they could have sex without the interruptions.

Minghao placed his hand over his partner's to try and remove it but he ended up just encouraging the movement and helping himself experience pleasure.

Instead of stopping his boyfriend he just directed the way in which he wanted to be palmed. Sending out a string of exasperated whines, Junhui took his opportunity to reach over and caress Minghao's face with his free hand. He traced his thumb over his face before sliding it into Minghao's mouth.

Minghao began to suck on it, making the mistake of moaning while he did so.

Junhui retracted his thumb and kissed the hell out of Minghao. Lips slidding against each other, as they met that familiar warmth. Junhui hungrily devoured those wet lips with the boy trying to follow along.

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