14. Sexual Discussion

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"Oh come on, you had sex last night didn't you?"

"Woah! Hold on there, mom. For the one hundred and fiftieth time, no, we did not." Junhui rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his breakfast. "What does it matter to you any how?"

"Well, Junhui, I don't know if you're aware of this, but you live in my house. So, it matters to me because I don't want you to have sex in my house. At least not while I am here." Junhui's mom stated, serving another plate to Minghao, who was unmistakably red.

Junhui rolled his eyes and continued to eat, Minghao doing the same, except looking more red and guilty.

"Don't worry about her, baby. She just likes to embarrass her son. She's not serious." Junhui said, giving Minghao's cheek a little squish. Minghao smiled and nodded, although from behind Junhui he could see his mother mouthing 'oh, I'm serious'.


"So, you're telling me that you actually hit it? Like for reals. Full in an' out? Like, thingy in da hole?" Seungcheol asked curiously with the rest of the group of boys surrounding him.

"With, my eyes closed." Hoshi stated, looking very proud of himself.

"Stupid kid." Wonwoo mumbled.
"I don't believe it."

"Well, believe it baby." Hoshi winked.

"He's not your 'baby'" Mingyu told Hoshi in a harsh manner, making sure to use air quotes around baby.

Hoshi had told everyone that he had sex with Woozi last night. And well Woozi being a scary demon, no one believed it. Of course the fact that he tries to beat up Hoshi all the time doesn't help his claim either.

"Wow, that's upsetting. How come you could get some but not me!" Seungcheol complained. "Jeonghan! Have sex with me!" He faced the poor boy. Jeonghan giving him a serious death glare.

"Excuse you? I don't sleep with trash" Jeonghan retorted, coldly. Seungcheol just pouted and lowered his head.

"Looks like I'll be alone then"

"I'll sleep with you Seungcheol!" Dino smiled brightly, hooking his arms around his neck from behind.

"No, no! You don't want that" Jeonghan quickly rushed over and detached Dino from Seungcheol, "Trust me." He rolled his eyes.

"So what's everyone talking about?" Junhui asked as he strolled over to the rest of the group with an arm around Minghao.

"Nothing really," Seokmin stated "Hoshi, over here, was just telling us about how much he believes in miracles, is all. Right hosh?" He patted Hoshi's shoulder.

"Oh ha ha" Hoshi rolled his eyes. "Very funny, but it's true" 

"Oh sure. And I'm married to Obama"




"I don't even know"


"O..kay well that's the bell, we should get to class" Seungcheol said awkwardly and with that, everyone went on their cheery way.


"Hey baby, long time no see." Jisu greeted Minghao as he entered the classroom. They had a substitute today so there was no chance of him getting attacked by his mother a.k.a. the regular homeroom teacher.

"What the hell do you want?" Junhui spoke in a musty tone. He took a few steps ahead of Minghao as if trying to protect him. Minghao just rolled his eyes at Jisu's comment and crossed his arms.

"Ew, I wasn't talking to you, you mutt" Jisu eyed him, crossing his arms as well. Junhui just scoffed.

"Excuse me? I'm a mutt? Look who's talki- you know what? Nevermind, I don't have time for this." Junhui grabbed Minghao's small pale hand in his and was about to push right passed the other boy when he was stopped. Jisu smirked.

"What? Giving up already? Ha! What a loser." Junhui scoffed once again. "Well then, since I've won...I'll just claim my prize." Jisu said quickly as he grabbed ahold of Minghao. This act just had Junhui growing upset by the second. He glared at Jisu and grabbed onto Minghao's free hand, attempting to pull him in his direction but Jisu held a firm grip. Junhui gave a slight tug on the boy's arm, followed by Jisu doing the same. The next thing they know Minghao is playing the role of a rope in a tug-of-war game. Back and forth and back and forth. He doesn't know what to do.

"Can you guys settle down? You're behaving like such animals." A voice called out. The boys momentarily stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction the voice had came from. When they turned their heads the saw over 2 dozens pairs of eyes looking at them including the sub. "You do realize that you are in a classroom disturbing an ongoing lesson, right?" The boys immediately let go of Minghao at the same time and when they did that, the poor boy fell. Junhui quickly helped him up and pecked his forehead mumbling a quiet sorry and lead them to their seats. The lesson began again but Junhui paid no attention to it due to his little "stare down" he was having with Jisu. Minghao rolled his eyes to the childish behavior but still took notes for the both of them since there was an upcoming exam next week.


"Hey, I've been thinking" Mingyu said. They were all at his house hanging out together.

"Well that's dangerous." Wonwoo commented. Mingyu frowned a little before smiling and lightly smacking Wonwoo's thigh, giving it squeeze right after. Wonwoo giggled.

"What cha' been thinking about?" Wonwoo wondered, biting his lip leaning slightly towards the boy.

"Oh, you know what? I think I forgot." He trailed off, biting his own lip while looking at Wonwoo's plump rose ones. He was completely entranced by the fellow as he began to slowly lean in until his lips meet the others.

"Ew get a room!" Jihoon said nonchalantly, while not looking up from his phone. Mingyu just shooed him and kissed Wonwoo for a little longer.

"Um idiot? This IS my room" Mingyu gestured around.

"Oh.. yeah... well I meant a different one"

"Whatever guys shut up." Seugkwan butted in. "What were you going to say, Gyu?" Mingyu thought for a moment before remembering again.

"Oh, I was thinking.. we should have a party!"

"For what?" Junhui asked curiously.

"Well, you know how we have that big exam? I was thinking that if we all pass, then we should celebrate!" Mingyu explained.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Dino bounced happily.

"No, it sounds like a terrible idea" Jeonghan looked at Mingyu with a questionable stare.

"Yeah, Jeonghan is right. We could celebrate, but not throw a party." Seungcheol assured.

"Aw come on you guys, let's have fun!" Mingyu whined.

"No, haven't you ever seen any highschool/ teenage movie ever? Those things never end well" Jeonghan furrowed his brows.

"... Nope."

"Figures" Jeonghan sighed.

"Yay!" Mingyu cheered. "We're having a party!" Mingyu wrapped his arms around Wonwoo and jumped back on the bed with the boy on top of him. He was so excited for this party but just as Jeonghan for saw, it was a terrible idea.

. . .

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