19. Now you Know

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Junhui knocks two times and then politely steps back a few paces, waiting for the door to be opened.

"Hey there Junhui. Come on in Mingyu is upstairs." A young looking woman answers the door with a smile.

"Oh, hey. I thought you were out of town. Where are your parents?" Junhui asked out of curiosity, stepping into the house. The woman closed the door when Jun was inside and giggled.

"They're on a date."

"Old people still do that?" Junhui jokingly questioned.

"I know right?" She giggled. "Anyway, yeah. Uh he's upstairs. I would walk you up there but Wonwoo is there and well, need I say more?"

Junhui shook his head and made his way to Mingyu's room, hoping that everything was decent up there. Mingyu and Wonwoo would deny that there was something between them but those two idiots weren't fooling anyone.

Once Junhui was in front of the door, he took a deep breath and then knocked. 3.2 seconds later he heard a crash then some shuffling around, followed along by running and a door slamming. He took that as an okay to walk in.

"Uh Mingyu? Where are you?" Junhui asked as he saw no one in the room. He heard something slightly bang against the wall and the sound of elastic.

"Oh, Junhui! You're here. Uh, I'm in the restroom, if you could just wait a minute." Mingyu's voice boomed out from the other side of the room, where the bathroom was.

"Okay but where is Wonwoo then? Isn't he here too?"

It was silent for a moment.

"Oh yeah, he's also in the bathroom-A DIFFERENT bathroom! Not in the one I'm in so yeah.. hehe."

Junhui tried so hard not to laugh at his idiotic friend.

"Mingyu, I know he's in there. And besides you're going to have to come out eventually." Junhui pointed out.

"I'm not gay!"

"I mean come out of the restroom."

"Oh.. then in that case I am gay."

A few moments later the bathroom door opened and Mingyu walked out with Wonwoo behind him. Juhui rolled his eyes at how obvious they were.

"You guys are really just something else."

Wonwoo shrugged as he jumped on the bed.


The three of them decided to have a movie break and brought some snacks up.

"I mean could you believe it." Junhui rambled on. " I love him to death and he goes out of his way to lie to me about seeing the person that I hate the most! Incredible." Junhui let out a frustrated sigh. He had been randomly spurting out things like that throughout the movie, making it harder to enjoy. Mingyu and Wonwoo didn't really mind it because they had been making out throughout the entire thing anyway. They didn't even know what movie was playing.

"What are you talking about? Wonwoo asked, inbetween kisses.

Junhui didn't bother to turn around and look up since he was sitting on the floor while the other two were on the bed. He couldn't see them making out but boy could he hear it.

"Minghao has been secretly going out to see Jisu. He just leaves and claims he's gonna do something else but instead he's with Jisu." Junhui explained.

"How do you know?" Wonwoo wondered, Mingyu attacking his lips once again.

"Seokmin told me. I even seen for myself too."

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