2. Alone

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Jun was shocked for a second but kissed the younger back, sliding his hands on the younger's face and really going in. Minghao wrapped his arms around the neck of the older and was loving every second of it.

It was Minghao's first kiss, as he was terribly inexperienced in this kind of thing but all he knew was that he wanted his first everything to be with Junhui. In fact, he was preparing himself for that moment before he came. He grew consistently flustered just thinking about it.

Minghao gave it his all and let Junhui take the lead. Jun wasn't super experienced either but more than the younger that was for sure.

"Ehm!" A voice interrupted.

"We're still here" his mother giggled making her voice heard by the two who seemed to be in their own little world.
Jun pulled away and laughed a little, looking down at the younger who already had his red face down again.
Jun bent down to the younger's ear.

"I could tell you're not very experienced"

Jun moved his hand to Minghao's cheek and caressed his lip with his thumb.

"I'll just have to fix that"

Minghao lost any sort of confidence and was just a mess, of course only on the inside. On the outside he wa- never mind he was just all over the place. 

Boy did Junhui mess him up!

His parents watching their movements and whispering things to each other.

They supported their sons decisions and loved him very much. That's why they brought back the one who his son loved so very deeply. Xu Minghao. They were friend's from childhood but their parents knew that wasn't all to it. Those two hadn't seen each other since middle school and the parents knew that the reunion of them was long awaited. Minghao's parents thought the same and were happy that Jun's parents went over to visit. They allowed Minghao to stay with them for the final school year. They strongly trust that Minghao would be safe and comfortable with them.

Well as comfortable as Jun makes him. If you know what i mean ;)

The family went out to celebrate the reunion of the two boys and came home pretty late since school was let out earlier that evening. Thank goodness.

"Well boy's now that you have reunited, finally, we have some more news" Jun's father spoke, as everyone settled into the kitchen once again.
Jun walked behind Minghao and wrapped his arms around the youngers waste and rested his head inbetween Minghao's warm neck. The younger one with his head down once more. This was how it was all night.

"What is it?" Jun asked.

The parents looked at each other before bluntly blurting out.

"We're going on a vacation!"

"Really!? How fun!"

Minghao finally looked up and was excited. He never gone out on vacation before.

"Yea we leave tomorrow morning so be up by 6:20. The drive is pretty long"

"Well I'll be up either way, so don't worry about me" Junhui stated

"We know that was aimed more towards Minghao"

"I'll wake him up, don't worry about it." Jun kisses Minghao's cheek.

"Aww my little boys!"

"Mom!" Jun groans

Minghao giggles.

"What are you laughing about huh?" Jun teases Minghao.


"Nothing? Oh really?"

Junhui starts to tickle Minghao and immediately he runs away from the older. The two just chased each other for a while, the older trying to catch the younger in order to punish him for laughing at his mother's comment.

"Boys! It's 10:30, time for bed!" Jun's mother told them.

Minghao stopped running when he heard Jun's mother's words but Jun kept going and finally captured the little one in his arms. Jun carried Minghao, grasping his legs while Minghao wrapped his arms around his neck for support.

Jun carried the boy to his bedroom and locked the door behind him. Just in case.
Then, he proceeded to set the boy down on his bed and pinned him against it.

Jun began to kiss Minghao passionately, or as passionately as Minghao knew.

"Just follow my lead" Jun whispered.


Minghao, blushed as ever, shyly followed Jun's movements and soon got the hang of it.

"I love you Minghao."

Jun went down to kiss the other's neck.

Minghao with his eyes still closed tilted his head a little to give Jun more access.

"I l-love you too"

Jun left a tiny mark on Minghao's neck and then licked it one last time before giggling at the his reaction.

"W-what are you laughing at?" Minghao questioned, pushing off Jun with a small amount of force.

Jun just giggled again.

"You're just so cute"

Minghao immediately blushed and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Jun shortly did the same and they finally slid under the soft covers together, snuggling tightly.

"Goodnight my love" Jun spoke.

"You sound like an old person" Minghao laughed to himself.

"Oh shush, you like me calling you sweet names"

"Maybe only sometimes"

"Well then let this be one of those times... I love yoooouuuuu"

Minghao gave Jun a peck and then smiled into the taller's chest, feeling warm.

"I love you too" his voice was muffled and quiet but loud enough to be heard by Jun.

Jun kissed the top of Minghao's head and smiled to himself, feeling the happiest he's been in a while.

They slowly drifted off to sleep and waited until the sun would wake them the next morning to start their adventures in the day that would follow.

. . .

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