12. Open

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"Minghao, WATCH OUT!"


Junhui sighed in relief when he seen the huge truck miss Minghao and run over a can instead. Tears were closely trailing the underneath of his eyes, on the verge of letting themselves be known. He composed himself and let his raging heart beat, slow before proceeding to carefully cross the street to follow the other boy.

Junhui figured Minghao had trailed back to home and went there himself.

When Junhui walked into the house he was suprised to see Minghao's amd his parents sitting in the living room, they were sitting and hugging.

"Oh my! Junhui? You've gotten so big since the last time we've seen you." Minghao's mom churped.

"Yeah. It's nice to see you too" junhui responded trying to be polite. He was angry but mostly just scared. Minghao almost died and yet, here he was, laughing and smiling as if nothing happened.

Junhui bowed before rushing to his room grabbing along Minghao's wrist with him. "Excuse us."

Junhui dragged Minghao all the way to his room. Minghao was confused wondering what had happened to upset Junhui. Once they had made their way inside, Junhui closed the door rather loudly before locking it and slamming Minghao a little too harshly on the wall. He smashed his lips against Minghao's and began to run his hands underneath of his shirt. Minghao kissed back a little before realizing that something was really wrong, he then tried to push the forceful male off of him.

"Junhui...mn... Hey?" Minghao managed to pry Junhui off. The other just blankly and angrily stared at the younger. "Junhui, baby, what's wrong?"

Junhui just gave him a confused face.
"What the hell do you mean, 'what's wrong?' You almost died a couple of minutes ago and you didn't even tell me where the hell you were going, you just left!" Junhui crossed his arms.
"You almost scared me to death" he lowered his gaze.

Minghao just stood there with furrowed brows and a saddened expression. He then leaned to the older and gave him a hug.

Junhui had his head nestled onto Minghao's shoulder and when minghao hugged him, his knees failed and they slowly fell to the ground, still hugging.

"Junhui, I'm so sorry... It's just, when my mom called to tell me that she had came to visit, I got so excited that kinda forgot about everything else. I didn't mean to scare you." Minghao snuggled closer to junhui. "I'm sorry."

Junhui didn't say a word. He couldn't. His heart wasn't functioning properly. So much had just happened in the last few minutes. The love of his life was almost run over and crushed, and the boy didn't really think twice of it. His parents were also back and that was exciting but it's kind of hard to pay any attention to anything when your life was almost torn apart. But, in the end, he was just glad Minghao was okay and alive in his arms.

"I love you, Junhui." Minghao whispered, sqeezing himself into the hug before letting him go, to face him.

"I love you too, baby" Junhui replied before kissing Minghao again, this time much softer and slower, more hungry, but the same time craving more, yet only a little in the same instance. He wanted to cherish the other and was now more afraid to let him go.

They pulled apart and Junhui held his grip on Minghao's small face. "From now on, you're not allowed to leave my sight." Minghao chuckled a little but Junhui held a straight face. He was completely serious.

"Um, so... What do you think they're doing?" Minghao's mom asked from the living room.

"Oh you know, couple stuff." Junhui's mom asnswered casually.

"How have they been getting along?" Minghao's mom asked taking a sip from her cup.

"Oh great for the most part, probably" Junhui's mom answered back.


"Yeah, well we just got back, so we don't know our selves. However, Junhui makes sire to keep us updated. He never misses a chance to talk about him."

"He must be really in love." Minghao's mom looks down at her cup, running her thumb over the handle with a small smile. "Minghao talks a lot about your son too."

"You know, those boys are gonna be just fine."

"Yes they are."


Minghao and Junhui were upstairs and made their way to the bed to cuddle a little. They were laying together, with their fingers intertwined with one another.

Minghao gentley kissed the back of Junhui's hand before turning to face him. "We should probably head down, we've been up up here awhile."

Junhui's eyes went big.

"Oh yeah! They're here, I have to go greet my parents!" Junhui practically flew off the bed and ran out the room screaming. "I'm such a bad child!"

Minghao just giggled at his adorable boyfriend.

"He's so cute."

. . .

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