Chapter 10.

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Maddison's POV

**At the hospital**

"Mrs. Grier, please follow me." We literally just checked into the ER and barely sat down when they call me back, they must know that something isnt right. We follow the nurse to a room in the back and she gives me a gown to change into, I change and tell Taylor to call my mother and brother. He steps out of the room to call. A nurse comes in and hooks me to IV, they take a blood sample, my blood pressure, heart rate, all the normal things they would. Everything seems to be going in slow motion but in reality they're moving a lot faster than they would with anyone else. Taylor comes back into the room and pulls a chair up next to me, he holds my hand telling me that everything will be okay. 

"Alright your blood pressure is low but that can be normal durning being pregnant. We want to take you over to get an alutrasound and make sure that everything is okay with the baby. The shooting pain might have just been her pressing on you in a way that wasnt to comfy. Have your pains died down any?" The doctor asks me. 

"A little but it still just doesnt feel right." He nods and moves my bed into the alutrasound room. Taylor follows, he sits in a chair along the wall and two nurses enter. They put the gel on my stomach and start the alutrasound, both of them have funny looks on their faces.. They keep whispering things to each other and thats when i notice, the heart beat.. its not playing outloud like they usually do, I always listened to Alexis's heart beat, why is it not playing. 

"Wheres her heartbeat?" I ask frantically. 

"Ma'am just clam down, you can not be freaking out."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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