Chapter 23 - Give him back

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Demon's pov

"Demon long time, Winter tasted good." Lucifer say and I hit hit in the ribs hard enough to make him swing back.

"Stop trying to get her down here. Not happen... Father." I grit my teeth. I hear Winter's screaming and this room is soundproof.

"Don't you have a kingdom to run? What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked running a hand through my hair.

"Well to save one of my boys and to see what the Grimm brothers are talking about this Winter bitch. Well I wanted to see far she would go to save him." He said and I growled punching him. He laughs spitting out the blood.

"Bring him back now!" I yelled, I hear Winter bang on her floor and scream begging for it to stop. I see red and I snap.

"Stop your hurting her! FUCK! Leave her alone. Wait you did something to them and send Silver didn't you?" I snap and attack. Everything go's quiet and he's grinning. I turn around and the Grimm brothers have her.

"Ah there they are. Now get your king down." Gage grabs me and I attack.

Winter's pov after Demon leaves.

I struggle in Spaz's hold while screaming to let me go. Jason stands in front of me.

"I know it hurts but fight it." He says.

"It's not just his it's Gabriel and Gage. It hurts. Fuck!" I scream. Jason's eyes snap to Spaz's. His grip tightens my wings burst out making him fly across my room. My brother tackles me to the wall. I hear a roar shake my room. Jason grabs my throat with a shaking hand. I look over his shoulder and pale. My brother gets thrown and Gage grabs my arm and Gabriel grabs my other. I see everyone knocked out as we go through two doors.

"Let her go!" Demon says as Gage pins him to the wall. I'm chained to the ceiling. I pull myself up and climb upside down up the chain and cling to the ceiling.

"Bring him back and I'll come down." I say they look around and Demon smirks up at me. One blue and the other green looks at me, he tilts his head raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh you'll come down right now. Boys I thought you said she was broke, she looks like she doesn't submit. Wait you killed him didn't you and that broke the seal." He punched the wall beside Demon's head. This isn't making since.

"I have to go home boys work on her. And you remember your not getting her. You down now." He said I screamed as my marks burned and I dropped to have him catch me. He puts me down and grabs my neck before kissing me. I moan as he tightens his hand. He leans to my ear.

"Enjoy freedom while you can." He whispered and darkly chuckled. I watch as his eyes flash and turn black. I pull myself up and wrap my legs around his waist, and my chained wrists around his neck before kissing him. One arm went under my ass the other run in my hair before grabbing and pulled my hair deepening the kiss.

"Hey! No fair! Hey assholes let me go!" Demon shouted I just giggled. My fangs shot out making me bite my lip. His fangs biting his lip. We pulled apart. His eyes went full black I watch as blood run down his mouth to his chin. I released him and struggle to get out of the chains. I watched Damien release Demon before kicking out Gabriel and Gage. I heard a click and both ran as I pulled my feet up but Damien grabbed them.

"Nope stay." I felt the burn as I fought it but it's hard to when it's two.

"Now I know you didn't think you were going to get off the hook for trying to kill your other side did you." Damien says and I shake with fear.

"M..m..master Please don't I'm sorry." I beg pulling on the chains. Demon's eyes change also.

"Let's enlighten her about who we really are. You met us but you met our father just now Lucifer. Now the Grimm brothers are like us but as long as and change her name Darkside is in there you be safe. We created Ash first and he got wings." Damien said.

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