Chapter 14

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Im sorry.


Looking around, you spot C/N cornered by a few people. You take out your sword and charge at them. They never should have tries to fight against a country as powerful as you.

Slicing the people to the side, you scoop up C/N in your arms. Someone tries to hit you but you slide under them and kick the weapon out of their hand. They run away, not being able to fight.

You notice the sudden drop in your crewmates and unhook a lifeboat. You place C/N in the lifeboat and let it drop down to the ocean. C/N's eyes widen and reach out for you but it's too late.

You suddenly feel something hit you. You look down to see that you got impaled by one of their swords. C/N starts wailing but the waves cause him/her to drift away.

You slowly turn around. You feel absolute enraged. You take out the sword from your stomach and start attacking all of the people who caused the revolution.

Time skip

Everyone except for you was killed. Mostly by your hand. You limp over to the edge of the boat. You sit down on the floor and wait to catch your breath. You had gotten stabbed multiple times but being as powerful as you really are, most of them didnt affect you. But you are losing blood. And fast.

You crawl over to the wheel but see your vision blacking out. You remember that the ship is sinking.

You sit up on your knees. You look at your hands. Completely covered in blood that's mostly yours. You see the corners of your vision turning black. You smile knowing the waves will carry C/N back to your land.

You lay down and curl into a ball. You let go and finally pass out from blood loss. In a sleep state, you feel the ship sinking faster. You just hope C/N will be a good ruler.

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