Chapter 3

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The three countries you had met never returned, until 5 years after their meeting with you. During that time, you decided to claim the islands that surround yours.

You found over a dozen small ones, several medium sized ones, and two large islands. You moved a lot of people there, seeing as your country was growing crowded.

You started building bunkers, and a lot. Soon, your land became more protected than Switzerland. You had made more and more upgraded technology. And soon, you knew that the three countries were going to come back.

And they did. The year is now 1944. One year before WW2 ends. You didn't know, but the three countries who you nicknames Stripes, Three, and Blue were gonna come back.(Ame is Stripes, France is Three, and UK is Blue)

You saw their ships and planes coming back, this time, they had a plan to talk to you. Once they came, Stripes and Blue were the first to walk out of the plane, Three came tumbling out later.

They walked up to you, and you instinctively stepped back. Stripes held out his hand and you reluctantly shook it. He took out a peice of paper and showed it to you, it contains the alphabet. He points to the letters 'H' and 'I' and waved at you. You think it means hello, so you say "hhhh.....iii" they nod, signaling you got it correct. This goes on for a while, it's basically a game of charades, but you understand their language after a while. You are a fast learner, so you become fluent in it in about three days.

The three leave, but not before asking you a question you hope you didn't mess up. They asked if they could use some weapons. You obliged, and showed them how your weapons worked. They left with 20,000 of your guns and ammo, and you hope you created an alliance with the three.

You hadn't known, but one of those countries got invaded. By Nazi Germany, or Third Reich. Nazi had never tried to find anymore land, mostly focusing on the already known countries.

Stripes, Blue, and Three whose names were actually France, America, and Great Britian told you that there were tons of other countries, making you worry.

You see a ship in the distance, you assume it is one of your friends who you have met, but the flag on it says otherwise. It's who they warned you of. Nazi Germany.

You panic a bit, the third time today, and run to your command center. You weigh the pros and cons of shooting down the ship, but decide not to, thinking maybe you can just make them leave.

The ship docks and out steps low and behold, Third Reich. TR looks around and sees you. He smirks, and walks closer to you. You decide to act as though you never met anybody.

"Who are you?" You say in your language. You confuse TR for a second, but he brushes it off. He says "i know you understand this language," you stare at him in shock. How much does he know?! You say in a thick accent "you found me out, oh no." He growls before saying "okay, listen up. I will give you one chance to join me. I already took half the population on this planet." You know he's lying, Ame, France, and UK told you all about him.

You give him a look that says 'oh really?' It looks like he blushes, but then he grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him. He whispers "you have no idea what I've done to everyone." You shiver out of fear. He sounds like he's telling the truth but you really don't know if he or the others are lying.

You push him away from you and say "i think i know very well." He leaves, not to return until another year. You go back to your command center after noticing he dropped something.

He dropped a paper saying how there is another country. It's addressed to all the countries your friends told you about. He is planning on exposing you.

This isn't going to go well. You can just tell.

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