Chapter 13

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Heh article 13. Chapter 13. Sorry I'll go home.

I watched a ton of mapping videos so i think I'm ready for this.


You were planning something huge. Remember the dilemma with land and territory? You just figured out how to literally make islands. You found a ton of sunken islands underwater that you remember from your childhood.

Most of those islands used to be yours. With all the upgraded technology you have, you should be able to replenish those islands. You go to the control room. You look around but find something you used to think you'd never have a use for.

You called it a 'Rep-Ray' for replenish ray. It was able to slightly turn back time for certain things but it would always cause major damage. Maybe the Falklands would be better. You put the Rep-Ray back down and walk into a dark room.

You step on a pressure plate(minecraft nerds unite) and the lights flash on. You use the projection images to transfer the maps you found onto the screen. You searched before finding the Falklands.

You call in a ship and start packing for your trip. Before leaving your house, you look at the calendar you replicated off of one you found. The year is 1989. How long have you been gone? No wonder a country formed in your place.

You go outside and see a few ships at your docks. You lightly smile at it. You place your hat on your head and tighten the latches on your cloak.

You go on the largest ship, and give the captain the map with directions to the Falklands.

You sit in a hidden room covered by a few things. You feel the ship start to move, and then faster. This was going to be one hell of an adventure.

As the ship gently rocks, you feel as thiugh you forgot something. You brush it off, thinking abiut the land and how to actuallt take the Falklands with it being on the other side of the world. Maybe C/- C/N! You forgot to get C/N!!

You run up to the deck and notice one of the crewmates holding C/N in his arms. You sigh in relief and head back down into the ship.

The ship rocks, gently at first but then more violently. You rush to the deck yet again to see that the ship's hull hit an iceberg. The ship is sinking. This shouldn't be happening with your type of tech.

Your ship was sabotaged.

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