Chapter 11

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So im just going to timeskip this because 1, i don't have ANY idea of how to make the reader get back to all the countries. It skips to after the reader finds Ame. America takes the reader to a meeting where they discuss stuff about the reader.


You tap your foot impatiently. America, who you now consider a close friend after your talk, is in another room every one of the available countries.

So you are sitting in a chair outside of the room in the hallway with your cloak, hat, and gear on. Your bag with your inventions and a few weapons lay in the meeting room, where they look at the things both you and your now deceased brother created.

Your eyes glance around the room, and you stand up. Nobody would notice if you walk around a bit, right? You hope so. You walk away from the hallway, your boots making little 'click click' noises. A sound comes from the meeting room, sounding like a shout. You flinch, and out of instinct, you run farther away, the clicking of your boots alerting the closest to the door inside the meeting room.

Britian walks to the door and creaks it open. When he can't see you, he alerts the rest of the countries. The all stand up, well, most of them. America rushes and upon noticing the lack of a certain country, he full on sprints out the door.

You, hearing all of this, run faster, though it's no use with the clicks of your boots on the marble flooring. Being blinded with hostility, and self-preservation, you take a turn into a hallway that hopefully leads to the nearest exit.

Your face smacks into a wall, the clicking of your boots loud as you stomp. You look around your surroundings in a haste, and pick a door closest to the hallway to hide in.

America and Britian turn into the hallway you were just in, being able to track you with the sharp clicks of your boots. Ame says "she must've hidden in one of the rooms,"

Britian goes to open the door closest to the end of the hallway but Ame stops him. "She's smarter than that," he says. Britian nods and they both open the doors across from eachother, the farthest from the dead end.

Britian finds you and wraps his arms around you as if you are an animal. He says "i got her!" You pry from his grip instinctively, but to no avail.

Ame rushes over, saying "stop treating her like an anima-" but stops when he sees you biting Britian's hand, with Britian holding a 'im so done' face.

He sighs, and picks you up like a child. You wrap your arms around his neck, making sure he doesn't drop you. He laughs at first but takes you to the meeting room to continue the meeting, only you're in there with them.

You smile to yourself, but hide the lower half of your face in your cloak.


Some fluff hehe.

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