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So, turns out that Jawn and Awsten also had an idea of a music video to do for a song off of the new Waterparks album that is going to be coming out soon. So, here we are, at a hardware store buying a bunch of Christmas lights. The guys keep racing each other down the aisles in the carts, which I won one of the races. But I am definitely keeping at least one string of lights.

Once we are done, we head back to the bus with all of our lights. We sit around for a little bit, until Awsten decides that he wants to redye his hair. "I need to dye my hair. It's fading." He whines. It is starting to fade a little bit.

"I can do it." I tell him. He gives me a questioning look. "Oh, come on. Who do think dyes Jawns hair?"

He looks over at Jawn who just shrugs his shoulders and gives a little nod. "Alright. You can dye my hair, but only if I get to dye yours too." Awsten tells me.

I give him a smile and stand up. "Deal."

Awsten goes over to his stuff and pulls out some purple hair dye. Of course he already had some. "I hope you like purple because that's all I have. Now we're going to match." He's way too excited about this.

After changing into something that we don't care if we get hair dye on, I do Awstens hair first, seeing as it doesn't take as long. Awsten then starts on my hair. We decide to just dye my hair without using bleach. For one we didn't have any hair bleach, and two, I really didn't want to bleach my hair. It's a light brown, so it will just end up being a little bit of a darker purple on me than it is on Awsten. But that's okay.

Once the dye has set for long enough, I take a quick shower to wash the dye out of my hair. I quickly dry off and wrap a towel around my hair, not looking at how it turned out before getting dressed in some black leggings and Awstens colorful sweater.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the lounge where all the guys are. "You guys ready to see it?" I ask them. They all nod their heads. I unwrap the towel around my head and rub my hair really quick, trying to get it somewhat drier, before taking the towel off completely.

"It looks so good. I did a really good job." Awsten says, praising himself. Doing a quick twirl, I let them all see it before going back to the bathroom to look in the mirror to see it for myself. My eyes widen as I run a hand through my now purple hair. "You like it?" Awsten asks from beside me.

I smile and hug him. "I love it."

The rest of the day is spent catching up with Jawn and figuring out what exactly we are going to be doing for the Lucky People music video.

Seeing as the guys don't have a show tonight and we don't have to do any traveling because we are already in Boston, we decided to shoot the video tonight. And by tonight, I mean at like midnight when it's really cold. They won't even let me stay on the bus while they are filming. Rude.

We walk down the streets of Boston, trying to find a good place to film. Did I mention that it's cold? Because it's fucking cold. Awsten has his arms wrapped around me, trying to help me warm up a little bit.

After walking around for a little bit, we find a little side street that doesn't really have anyone else around. Jawn starts to go into director mode right away and I pull out my camera to record some behind the scenes stuff for him.

Awsten is in some black skinny jeans and the pink, white, and grey sweater that I wore on our first date. I kind of feel bad for him because of how cold it is. He starts to wrap some of the lights around him while Jawn films it.

At one point, I went and got Awsten and I some hot coffee to stay warm and to keep me awake. It is way past my bedtime. Some of the crew came with and have been helping with filming the behind the scenes and with adding more lights onto Awsten.

We walk down the street to get to a subway stop to film a little bit there, Awsten still wrapped up in flashing Christmas lights, his arms around me, and a cup of coffee in his hand. Awsten kisses the top of my head, and out of the corner of my eye, I can see the camera of someone filming us. I just roll my eyes. At least I'm kind of warm now.

After we finally get done filming, we go back to the bus. It is definitely way past my bedtime by now. I quickly get changed and climb into Awstens bunk, seeing as I now have to share with him so that Jawn can have mine. Not that I'm complaining though.

Awsten climbs in after me and pulls me close to him. "I'm cold. I need cuddles." I gladly oblige and accept the cuddles.

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