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After my small tour of the bus, we all just sat around for several hours talking and getting to know each other. They told me several stories about stuff that has happened on past tours, many involving Jawn, which I found hilarious.

Soon it was time for the guys to do sound check and get ready for the first show. I got my camera gear together and followed them inside the venue. It's fairly big, bigger than some of the venues I have been in with other bands, and looks really nice. I look around in awe at the place.

"It's pretty nice, isn't it?" A voice comes from behind me. I turn around and see Awsten standing there.

I nod my head before looking around again. "I've never been to a venue that looks this nice. Well, at least not while touring with a band."

I turn to face him again and see him smiling. "Come on, we're about to do sound check." He waves me over to follow him, which I do.

We go over to the stage and he jumps up on it with Geoff and Otto. I stay down on the floor to watch and try and find good angles for tonight. The guys mess around on stage a little bit and I get a few pictures of that.

Awsten then comes over to me with a big smile on his face and holds his hands out. Curious, I set down my camera before taking his hands. He instantly pulls me up onto the stage. Once my feet are back on solid ground and Awsten lets go of my hands, I lightly hit him on the arm. "You could have just asked me to get on the stage."

He just giggles. "But where's the fun in that?" I roll my eyes and pick up my camera, hiding my small smile. He has an adorable laugh.

Just then my phone goes off. I take it out of my back pocket and see a text from Jawn. I walk over to the side of the stage and open it.

Fav Redhead📷
How's everything going? The guys being nice?


Yes they are being nice. They told me a few stories actually.

Fav Redhead📷
What stories? What did they tell you? None of it is true. Don't believe a word they say. They lie about everything.


I'm not telling and I believe them

Fav Redhead📷
I hate you


You know you love me
Also, Awsten is being a little shit

Fav Redhead📷
What did he do?

I don't get the chance to respond back as my phone gets taken out of my hand. Looking up I see Awsten holding my phone and glare at him. "You dick. Give me back my phone. I'm in the middle of a conversation." I go to grab my phone but Awsten just holds it above his head. "Dick."

He just smiles and starts looking at my phone. "Oh. I'm a little shit am I?"

"Yes. Yes you are. Now give me back my phone." I try to reach for it again but he just holds it out of my reach. Why does he have to be like half a foot taller than me. It's not fair. He then starts to mess around on my phone. "Awsten."

He just waves me off with one hand while keeping the one with my phone out of reach. "Don't worry. I'm not going to snoop through your phone." He finishes with whatever he was doing before handing me my phone back. "Nice name for Jawn, by the way." I roll my eyes and flip him off before going back to my conversation with Jawn, which has more messages in it from when I last saw it.

Fav Redhead📷
What did he do?


Fav Redhead📷
Give Remi back her phone Awsten


Fav Redhead📷
Awsten. Quit being a little shit. Don't make me tell Geoff

Alright. Giving it back now

I roll my eyes at how childish they both are.

I have my phone back. You see now why I said he's being a little shit.
He also literally pulled me up on the stage earlier. Like actually pulled me off of the ground and up onto the stage.

Fav Redhead📷
What a little shit
Glad you and the guys are getting along though
Not that I was worried
I knew you would all get along


Fav Redhead📷
Shutting up

Thanks for checking in. It means a lot to me. But I have to go now. Hope everything is okay.

Fav Redhead📷
It's what friends do. Have fun with the guys. Don't worry about me. Although everyone is asking about you.

I hate you. This is your fault

Fav Redhead📷
You know you love me

Yeah yeah. Whatever. Gotta go

I put my phone back into my pocket and go back out with the guys. They are just finishing up with sound check. "Alright, we still have a couple of hours before we have to be back for the show. Let's go do something." Geoff says, putting his guitar away. We all agree on going out to eat.

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