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Authors Note: Alright. Here we go. The actual start to the story.

A couple days after getting back from Mexico, it was Halloween. I didn't really have any plans so here I am, sitting on the couch in my small apartment watching scary movies on Halloween night. So exciting, I know, but it's better than going out with my friends and watching them get drunk and trying to hook me up with some random guy. I love my friends, I do, but sometimes they are a little too much.

About halfway through the second movie, my phone starts to go off. Pausing the movie, I look at my phone to see that it's Jawn, an old friend of mine. Quickly, I answer the phone. "Hey, how's my favorite redhead doing?"

"I'm doing fine, Rem." Even though I can't see him, I know he is rolling his eyes at me, but I can hear the smile in his voice.

"That's good. So, what you need? You kind of interrupted my scary movie binge-a-thon."

Again, I can tell he's rolling his eyes at me. "Well I am sorry to interrupt, but I have a favor I need to ask you."

I shake my head even though he can't see me. "No, I am not going to pretend to be your girlfriend at another family thing. I told you. One time only."

He gives out a breathy laugh. "That isn't what I was going to ask, but there is a thing coming up..."

"No. Remember what happened last time?" I interrupt him.

"I'm sorry. How many times do I have to apologize for that?" I stay silent. "Alright fine. Anyways. My favor. The boys are going on tour here in like a week and I'm suppose to go with them, but I had a family thing come up so I am unable to go. I was wondering if you would be able to fill my place. It's only for about a month."

Blinking several times, I close my mouth that had fallen open and stutter out my answer. "Yeah. Of, of course. Yeah. I, I can definitely do that. I hope everything is okay with your family."

I can hear him give out a little sigh of relief. "Thanks, Remi. It means a lot. And yeah, everything is okay. It's nothing major."

"Can I ask you a question?" He gives out a little 'hm', telling me to go on. "Why me? Like there are so many other people you could have asked that are better than me."

He chuckles a little bit. "Remi, contrary to what you believe, you are good. The boys have seen some of your stuff and liked it and wanted you to fill in. Plus they really want to meet you." If I wasn't freaking out at this point, I was now. They actually wanted me to go take pictures of their new tour. "You okay Remi?"

I snap out of my little trance. "Huh? Uh, yeah. I'm, I'm good." Totally not freaking out. "Just spaced out a little there. Thinking of what I need to pack." Definitely what I was thinking about.

"Alright, Remi. Whatever you say. I have to go but I'll tell the boys you said yes and send you everything you'll need. See ya."

"Thank you. See ya later." The click signalling that Jawn hung up sounds and I slowly lower my phone. I'm going on tour with Waterparks. I can't believe this is actually happening.

I have been friends with Jawn for a while, but I had yet to actually meet the guys. Either they were busy or I was busy. But now, not only am I going to meet them, I am going on tour with them and am going to be taking pictures of them.

My phone then goes off again. This time it's a message from Jawn.

Fav Redhead📷
They are excited to finally meet you. The tour starts on November 6th. Here's a list of what you might want to take with you. Thanks for doing this.
See attachment

Thank you for all of this. You're a great friend.

Fav Redhead📷
What are friends for. Don't get into too much trouble. Don't want another Wichita incident.


Fav Redhead📷
Calm down. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I have no clue what happened.

That's what I thought. I'm going to go back to my sad life of watching scary movies alone. Thanks again for this opportunity

Fav Redhead📷
No problem. I'll let you get back to your sad life

A Photographers Love (Awsten Knight)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz