Chapter 16

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Jazakallahuhairan for all of your support.. I am so sorry that I couldn't update frequently as I am hella  busy with my studies......

Keep encouraging me like this..🖤🖤 I will update as much as possible...🙈
till that keep voting, sharing and commenting...



Shazia was happy that she found some company in this unknown city... despite being bit uncomfortable and bit scared around Ali everything is going well with her.. she is trying her best to be happy around Ali but the first meeting and his words still echoes in her mind...sometimes how hard we try to forget a thing it's that hard to forget...her train of thoughts were broken by a phone call..the caller ID brought a huge smile on her face..

" Assalamualaikum...! Well how's my lovely troublemaker???" Shazia asked in her cheerful tone ..

" waalaikum salaam.. oh please I am not a troublemaker ok.. I am a responsible person "

" oh really ?? As far as I know..  you are the most mischievous one Ayaan..!"

" come on sis.. I called you after so long and here you are making fun of me! This is not done..! I am your favourite one .. you shouldn't make fun of your brother.."

" really.. I will keep that in my mind next time.., troublemaker..."

" seriously shaz!! Anyway how are you???"

" oh my allah.. is Ayaan asking me how I am doing?"

" shaz !! Why can't I ask??" He asked from a unsure voice

" you are the troublemaker and the one who make the situation loads better... so you never..." shazia left her statement hanging

" shaz.. I may be the troublemaker but after loosing our parents .., I don't know I don't feel that happiness in me.. all I want is your happiness and your safety..shaz you are the mother figure in our family now.. and you are the one whom we cherish and we will cherish in sha allah.. I juts hope in sha allah we will be able to solve this matters soon and get back together..," he finished with a sigh..

Shazia could feel tears streaming down her face.. how much a horrible day could turn a person., the boy who was so carefree and happy always is now talking like the life is just it.. she was sad that how much her brothers life has changed and how much responsibility they have now.. whenever she think about the person who is the cause for it she is starting  to loathe that person more and more..

" shaz you there??"

" huh.. yeah.. ?"

" so? What's your plan for today?"

" nothing Ayaan.. just wanna go and see the site work.. you?"

" I am going out for some legal matters.. you carry on with your stuffs..,"

" Ayaan.. please be okay., in sha allah., we all will be together soon like old times and trust me allah does not burden a soul beyond it can bear..."

" hey from
When did you started to talk philosophy??"

" very funny.., bye Assalamualaikum "

" waalaikum salaam., take care..!"

" you too..."

With that she hung up.. before her mind could wander further she got a text from Ali that he is waiting outside..
So basically Ali insisted Shazia that they both can go together to see the construction work and stuffs.. Shazia couldn't say no for him..'Shazia took a deep breath and went out to see Ali waiting for her..she got inside from the back door

Their abstract love( a mafia story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon