Chapter 8

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Hey people I am very happy to know I have some readers at least alhamdulillah..... for the sake of allah please vote, share and comment...


Sometimes the grief will only knock on your door for a period of time, just like that my worries about Ali Sikhandar was there only for one day.... how ??? Actually when I went office next day hoping to face the trouble but man I was wrong rather  I was greeted by a warm smile by Raiyyan Malik .. the business partner of Ali Sikhandar... and then I got to know that MR. Ali went out of country for some business purpose. I was so happy that time and I felt like screaming out loud...!!! And then we started our project like that and I got to know more about Raiyyan bro, he wants me to call him bro ..., just like that we became great pals.. he is the first person I became close after coming to New York.... these past two weeks were spent handling deals, seeing sites, handling investors and yeah cracking jokes and listening to Raiyyans stupid jokes... it was fun working with Raiyyan bro..

I was eating my breakfast when suddenly my phone started to ring and when I checked the caller ID a huge smile appeared on my face... I quickly picked it up..

" Assalamualaikum my two weeks old brother!! How are you?!"

" waalaikum salaam sis.. I am good alhamdulillah!! And how's my idiot sister doing??"  I could feel that he was smiling when asking me that!!!

" I am good alhamdulillah!! So what makes you call me at this time???"

" hey !!! Don't make me feel bad okay.., I was bit busy and huh Shazia come to my office today we will continue our business there!!"

" you mean Sikhandars office??" I spoke with a unsure voice!!!

" yeah !! No more discussion.. make it fast girl I am waiting for you!!! Assalamualaikum "

With that he hung up .. did he just hung up on me?? He knew exactly that I don't like to go into that office despite that he did this!!! Uhhhgggg.. Allah why me??? He didn't let me speak at least!!!

I am standing in front of Sikhandar group of industries.., my feet's were shaking badly and I can feel the knots in my stomach... I am repeatedly saying in my mind that Ali is not here....

With shaky legs I dragged my self inside his office to meet his secretary Clary.. she lead her way to his cabin and left me there.. I asked Olivia to accompany clary to confirm some paper works!!!

I knocked on his door and waited for a reply..!! There was a faint sound of " come in" and I took its my cue to enter and I went inside..

" Assalamualaikum Shazia .. glad you came"

" waalaikum salaam... I hope too..."

With that we started our work 20% of our finished but for other half we need Ali . ... Raiyyan started his bickering saying some stupid jokes.. I stood up and went near Ali's chair to see the breathtaking view of the city ....

I turned around and gave Raiyyan a whole hearted smile when he addressed me as sister... and then he told some stupid lame joke which made me laugh out loud...

My laughter died when I heard someone clearing their throat!! My eyes met the icy cold ones.. suddenly the room started to suffocate me and I left the place immediately saying a quick salaams to Raiyyan and without sparing him a single look..

I came out and sat on my car... I kept a hand on my heart to stop the loud beating and I inhaled and exhaled to give some oxygen to my lungs..!!!  I closed my eyes to see the that icy cold eyes, but there were many emotions running inside them but I could clearly see adoration but for whom?? Maybe for Raiyyan...!! Yeah why will he admire me.. when he clearly gave me a threat that day..get ready little one..... a lot more to come....

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