Chapter 6

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They keep on saying " Dark but beautiful " , but I wonder why not just beautiful.......

For the sake of Allah please vote, share and comment guys.. May Allah bless you all!!!!


When entering the room  I was greeted by cold Aura ... everything which was warm and cozy a while ago has become so cold and hard. I felt like turning and going back. I could feel everyone's gaze on me, I gave a hard and curt nod and began continuing doing the purpose I am here for!! Throughout the meeting I could feel someone's burning gaze on me.. I was nervous as hell , I took a sharp breath to calm my nerves....

I finished doing whatever I had to do and say and I turned only to be greeted by a cold, hard ,pitch black eyes  which sent shiver run down my spine .. I quickly turned away muttering an " Asthaugfirullah" ...

I began asking everyone's opinion but at last it was the turn of that person who's eyes which shook me to the core ..

The question he asked next first left me confused and slowly it started to sink and then I got damn angry.. he was asking some stupid questions and talking  back to back ... I clenched my fists to calm my nerves ..

Thank Allah that one of my partners decided to speak if not that will be the day he will regret all his life that he opened his mouth...

Finally it's over and everyone left one by one... I was mentally doing a happy dance when he came near me and bent down next to me coming to my level.. his breath was fanning my face and his musky scent was blocking all my thoughts and his closeness was making me numb...

The words he uttered left me gobsmacked ...

" get ready little one ... a lot more to come..." this is what he said after giving me a wink and he left like nothing happened..,

I was standing in the same place Allah knows how much time until Olivia chose to take me out of my trance..

" ma'am are you okay???"

" huh... yes I am fine.., "

She gave me a unsure look before saying,

" ma'am we have to send the proposal to their companies and I need your signatures on these files.. ma'am you have only one meeting for the rest of the day....."

She finished giving me my schedule and went out taking my signatures ..,

Whenever I closed my eyes I could see those eyes which is driving my heart in a extreme speed...

My phone beeped indicating its time for ASR prayer.. I quickly went inside my cabin and went to my washroom and took wudhu and went into the next room which I personally designed for praying....

I felt peace running through each and every cell of my body when I was praying.. it shut the whole world out from me and made me believe I am not alone Allah is with me and he is my favourite thing to do is sujood.., if I could I will stay whole of my life in sujood... it made me feel that I am so close to Allah and he is listening to each and every words of mine and he knows my struggles and that's the best feeling anyone could ever want....

After finishing my prayer I did the istighfar and stood up.,, I asked dua in sujood , that's the way I feel content that Allah has listened....

The next meeting went by bluer because those particular eyes which are giving me red signal and haunting me throughout the meeting .., something is not right in him .. his voice, his smile, the way he smirked, the way he stares it all says that he will be a trouble....

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