Where credit is due

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The artwork on the cover is not created by me, apart from adding the title of my book. If someone knows the artist, I will gladly refer to her/him or take it down if they wish. 

Fairy Tail is a manga, and an anime created by Hiro Mashima. He has all the rights to most of the characters introduced in this book, so I thank him. 

Only Yanida Clover, and maybe other OC's are created by my mind. But I guess if you look up Fairy Tail fanfiction, you already know all the characters from the original series.

I will stay as true to the anime/manga as is can, but some alterations needed to be made because of obvious reasons.

I hope you will enjoy the story, and be gentle to me when pointing out a plothole, misspelling or critique. English isn't my native language so mistakes will be made, you just have to wait for it. Although I am doing my best to not let one slip through, please point out if you find one. 

This will be all, please come in and enter the world of Fairy Tail seen through my imagination. The adventure will not disappoint you (I hope).

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