A Special Day - Finale

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Authors Note: Hey everyone, I hope you've enjoyed this story and that you enjoy this, its final chapter...

As the Pair embraced, and Mr and Mrs Akiyama smiled broadly at each other, Ben glanced up at the clock mounted on the wall...

"Oh crap!" He thought to himself. "We need to get going!"

He then separated from Yukari, grabbed her hand and began leading her out the door. "We need to go, we'll be back later!" he yelled to Yukari's parents as they laughed to each other.

As they ran Ben held onto Yukari's hand tightly, an action that made them both blush... So it was business as usual really...

"W-Where are we going Ben?!" Yukari asked as he led her through the streets with great speed.

"We need to get to the train station to catch the train!" He replied as he led her down a side street.

"Why are we going to the train station?"

"Because we need to catch a train to go to where I'm taking you for your birthday" Ben responded.

"Uh..." Yukari couldn't believe it, she thought he'd completely forgot about her, and now he was taking her out for her birthday.

This was a gesture that no one other than her parents had ever done before and resulted in her blush growing as she responded, "T-Thank you for this, I... I'm really happy to b-be with you today~"

Upon hearing this, he turned briefly to give her a smile, "and I'm happy to be with you~"

Just as Ben turned back around, they had reached their destination. They hurried inside, finally letting go of each others hands, and bought their tickets.

Soon they were on board a train and were catching their breath as they sat next to each other.

Yukari was on the window side of the seat and was looking intently out the window. She then began to bite her lip as she slid slightly closer to Ben and intertwined her fingers with his...

She was sure he'd be surprised and let go, but instead he gripped her hand slightly, causing her to smile to herself. All of this was so new to her, she'd never had a guy want to spend her birthday with her and she'd never held hands with a guy like this before.

All these experiences had filled her with so much happiness and joy that now she'd experienced it, she didn't want to be without it again...

The pair sat in silence as the train rattled along, it was a calm silence though, with both of them simply enjoying each others company, and their holding hands.

As she looked out the window, occasionally glancing back at Ben, Yukari began to reminisce about all that they'd done and been through together...

She remembered how they'd first met, literally bumping into each other. This memory made her chuckle to herself, she never knew then, how important the guy who ran into her would become in her life.

She remembered her first classes with him, when she was so relieved to find someone other than Erwin who enjoyed talking about tanks.

She remembered how he had stood up for her against her Blonde haired bully, and how he comforted her when she broke down while remembering her past...

She remembered their first 'date', and how mush she enjoyed it. By her memory she spent most of the day laughing and smiling because of him. She also remembered how sweet he was in giving her his coat and how she 'repaid' him. She felt her face heat up dramatically upon remembering that part...

After remembering all that had transpired between them, she smiled to herself and squeezed his hand tightly. She then turned to face him and didn't avert her gaze when he did the same. She just looked into his eyes, so happy with all that had happened. "I'll tell him today..." she thought to herself as she looked deeply into his eyes.

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